
A New Poll Asks, Is Trump a Uniter or a Divider?

- September 24, 2017

With a madman in North Korea threatening to bring nuclear war to our shores, unrest in our streets, and even athletes in revolt, who do Americans trust to bring back order to the world?

Well, it ain’t Trump.

In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Americans speak out about Trump as either a divider or uniter of the people.

According to the poll, 66 percent of respondents feel Trump has done more to divide the nation than to bring us together. Only 28 percent felt the opposite.

 The poll also finds that 59 percent of Americans said they don’t think Trump has brought “needed change” to the country, compared to 39  percent of respondents who disagree.

On the other hand, Trump did see a slight upwards tick in his approval ratings for September. The pollsters found that 39 percent of Americans polled approve of Trump’s job performance, while 57 percent disapprove. That’s up 3 points since July, and 1 point since August.

As for North Korea, the majority of Americans would really like it if Trump would get off of Twitter and just hand this one to our military leaders.

Seventy-two percent of respondents said they trust U.S. military leaders to deal with the North Korean threat responsibly, with just 37 percent saying they trust Trump instead.

It would seem that no matter how loudly Trump’s defenders howl, just as it was during the primaries, he’s still only getting the runoff of support, and not the majority.

There were 1,002 respondents to this poll, and it was conducted from September 18 to September 21. It has a margin of error of 3.5 points.

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