
After MASSIVE Backlash, Steelers Star Announces ‘We Will Be Standing For National Anthem’ (VIDEO)

- September 28, 2017

Steelers Center Maurkice Pouncey told reporters on Wednesday that the whole team will be on the sideline standing for the National Anthem this Sunday.

Of course it took fans burning NFL gear, bombarding DirecTV and RedZone with phone calls demanding cancellation of football packages, sponsors backing out and loud boos from the stadium to get their attention.

Pittsburgh CBS reported:

After facing backlash about standing in the tunnel during the national anthem last Sunday, Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey says the team will stand this Sunday.

“I promise you one thing, this week we will all be standing out there for the national anthem. Trust me,” Pouncey said Wednesday.

Pouncey says he expects the entire team to be on the field for the anthem.

“As far as I know it’s 100 percent participation,” Pouncey told reporters. “We love this country. It’s America. We know there are injustice in this world, but to me, personally, football is football and that’s what we need to approach it as.”

Social media was set ablaze after President Trump lashed out at NFL players protesting the national anthem on Friday while at a campaign rally for Senator Luther Strange (R-AL).

The NFL protests EXPLODED Sunday and spiraled into an all out war between patriotic Americans and anti-American leftists.

Americans watched in horror as former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva was the ONLY Steeler to come out for the National Anthem on Sunday. He stood in the tunnel while the rest of the team hid in the locker room like disrespectful cowards.

The 28-year-old former Army Ranger is a bronze star recipient and served three tours in Afghanistan.

Imagine being Villanueva. He fought for this country and then has to play side by side with teammates who blatantly disrespect his service and the flag.

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin told reporters after the team lost on Sunday that he did not want Army Ranger veteran Alejandro Villanueva to stand for the national anthem.

Early numbers show weekly NFL ratings may be down by 10% due to the stunt.

A 10% drop in ratings could equal a $200 million cut in earnings.

One Steelers fan took all of his team jerseys, jackets, shirts and hats… And torched them all. Williams started a trend as many others followed and burned their NFL gear as well.

Robert L. Williams took all of his NFL merchandise and put them in an outdoor pit.

The Steelers are scrambling to do damage control as angry fans stick to their guns, boycotting the sport.

Watch Maurkice Pouncey say it was all a big misunderstanding and that the whole team will be on the sideline standing for the National Anthem on Sunday:

The post After MASSIVE Backlash, Steelers Star Announces ‘We Will Be Standing For National Anthem’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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