
BOOM! NFL Ticket Sales Down 18% in Week Since Mass Anti-Military Anthem Protests

- September 28, 2017

This had to hurt.

NFL ticket sales down 18% down this week.

Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.

StubHub announced a 10% discount in NFL tickets this week.

And now this…
NFL ticket sales are down 18% compared to last year at this time.
The Washington Examiner reported:

The National Football League is feeling the impact of the “Trump Effect.”

Ticket sales since he called on team owners to fire players who take a knee to protest the National Anthem have cratered.

The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets that sales have dropped 17.9 percent, far more than the usual Week Three fall.

From TickPick:

  • 17.9 percent decrease in NFL orders this week compared to the previous week.
  • Last year the drop was 10.8 percent in orders on Monday & Tuesday following Week Three games.

“We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week in comparison to years past. Week 3 seems to usually have less ticket orders than week 2, but this year ticket purchases are down more than 7 percent from this time last year,” said TickPick’s Jack Slingland.

Several Chargers players torched their shirts and jackets this week.

The post BOOM! NFL Ticket Sales Down 18% in Week Since Mass Anti-Military Anthem Protests appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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