
CNN Crowd Goes Silent As Gold Star Parents Challenge Spike Lee Over “Heroes” In NFL (VIDEO)

- September 29, 2017

Guest post by Michael LaChance at American Lookout:

This was amazing. CNN held a town hall event to talk about the NFL and National Anthem protests. The far left film director Spike Lee was there and at one point he was challenged by the Gold Star parents of a fallen soldier.
The Washington Free Beacon has the details:

Two Gold Star parents challenged film director Spike Lee Wednesday night during a CNN town hall on kneeling during the national anthem.

Lee appeared as one of the town hall’s panelists, alongside Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins, former New York Jets player Michel Faulkner, and Former US Army Green Beret Nate Boyer, who convinced Colin Kaepernick to kneel rather than sit during the National Anthem.

The parents of Staff Sgt. Louis Bonacasa told Lee how they attended a ceremony for Gold Star parents and then went home and saw NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem, calling it a “slap in the face.”

“How do you support these multi-millionaires on their knees, and don’t support what the fallen heroes died for?” Mr. Bonacasa asked.

Lee said that he was sorry for the Bonacasas’ loss, but said that their narrative was “false.”

“All these players have said, many many times, that they respect the armed forces,” Lee said. “They respect the flag. And they respect America. And this narrative that when they take a knee, it’s insulting your son who is no longer here, is not true. They’ve said that again, and again, and again.”

Here’s the video:

The follow up question was also amazing.
What is it about this that Liberals don’t understand?

The post CNN Crowd Goes Silent As Gold Star Parents Challenge Spike Lee Over “Heroes” In NFL (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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