
Cruz: Right Now Graham-Cassidy Does Not Have My Vote

- September 24, 2017
Sunday at the Texas Tribune Festival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he was not ready to support the Graham-Cassidy effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. Cruz said, “Mike Lee and I both sat down with Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy last week. We laid out a series of changes we want to see in the bill that is all about giving consumers more freedom, lifting the regulation from the federal government that is driving up premiums so that premiums can go down and more people can afford health insurance.” He continued, “So last week they took our edits, and we said if you take these edits, we’re a yes. They took our edits, and then a day later they removed our edits.” He added, “So look, right now they don’t have my vote, and I don’t think they have Mike Lee’s either. Now, I want to be a yes; I want to get there because I think Obamacare is a disaster.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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