
Devastating: 62% of Americans Plan to Watch Less NFL Games After Anti-Police Anthem Protests

- September 30, 2017

Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.

Thursday night in Green Bay, the Packers and Bears players ALL stood for the anthem.

They linked arms for social justice.

The NFL players are trying to spin what they are doing as ‘unity’ when we all know they are still protesting.

They think their fans are complete idiots.

After the game on Thursday Aaron Rogers blamed President Trump for the NFL kneelers.
What a disgrace.

Aaron Rogers: This is about something bigger than that. An invitation to show unity in the face of some divisiveness from the top in this country.

The spin is not working.

A new Yahoo Finance poll found 62% of Americans plan on watching less NFL games following these anti-police anthem protests.
And 32% say they will not attend a game they were planning on attending!

Yahoo Finance reported:

Is it a passing storm or an existential problem? That’s a key question for the NFL as it grapples with the mushrooming controversy of players kneeling in protest during the national anthem, and President Donald Trump’s persistent bashing of the kneelers.

A new Yahoo Finance poll suggests the NFL has an enduring problem on its hands. Nearly 62% of 9,056 respondents told us they plan to watch less pro football in response to the anthem controversy. Thirty-six percent said they plan to buy less NFL merchandise, and 32% have chosen not to attend a game they would otherwise have gone to. Those findings all have financial implications for the NFL and its 32 team owners.

We wanted to limit our survey, conducted online via SurveyMonkey from Sept. 28-29, to people who patronize the NFL, and exclude people who have an opinion but don’t watch football.

The post Devastating: 62% of Americans Plan to Watch Less NFL Games After Anti-Police Anthem Protests appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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