
Franken: Graham-Cassidy Is ‘The Screw You Billy Kimmel Act of 2017’

- September 22, 2017
On Thursday’s broadcast of ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Senator Al Franken (D-MN) referred to the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill as “the Screw You Billy Kimmel Act of 2017.” Franken began the interview by thanking and praising Kimmel for his monologue on health care and his son, Billy. He added of Kimmel’s monologue, “[I]t really was important. Because it sort of laid out what the stakes are, in health care. And, especially now, that we are seeing this last iteration of Trumpcare. And, you know, I think it’s officially called ‘the Screw You Billy Kimmel Act of 2017.'” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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