
Google Search Results Appear Broken – Many Simple Queries No Longer Make Sense

- September 25, 2017

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Google has gone mad. Many simple queries no longer make sense.

A simple query of “White Couples” on Google results in pictures of predominantly mixed couples – couples where one of the two individuals is black. Not what you think of when you think of white couples but these are new times.


Another query of “American Inventors” on Google results in a list of predominantly black American inventors.  Many names in the list the average American has never heard of.   For some reason, famous American inventors such as Henry Ford, Charles Goodyear, Eli Whitney, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Morse, and Orville and Wilbur Wright are missing from the list.  George Washington Carver was a genius with peanuts but his inventions never flew people around the world to Hong Kong and back like the Wright brothers invention – the airplane.

Google mirrors this crazy pattern in nearly every query related to our President Donald Trump.  When you look at “Trump economy” – the results are predominantly negative even though the stock market is up 22% since the election, the US Debt is up only $200 billion since the inauguration even though by this time Obama had increased the US Debt by $1 trillion more than this at the same time in his Presidency. And, unemployment is down to 4.4%. 

Also, not one title link in the first three pages of results for “Trump Stock Market” indicate that the stock market is up 4,000 points since the election or 22%.

No wonder the EU fined Google $2.7 billion for query search manipulation. 
Their results make no sense!


The post Google Search Results Appear Broken – Many Simple Queries No Longer Make Sense appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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