Last year San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt for the National Anthem in protest of police treatment of black Americans.
Kaepernick wore police as pig socks to emphasize his point.
Since then the protests against the US national anthem have grown.
Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.
Patriotic Americans are disgusted with these disrespectful protests.
Many Americans have vowed to boycott the NFL. Advertisers have dropped their ads.
A recent comment by Gateway Pundit commenter and NFL fan Tokaise Blessed Patriot may have said it best.
I am republishing here for you all:
I’ve thought a great deal about the NFL and the reaction I have, it’s visceral. I find myself on twitter arguing with strangers. Something I pride myself about, that I don’t do. But here I was trading 140 character quips, with someone I don’t know. The anger and frustration, I believe is not only about the disrespect of the flag, Anthem, military and much of what, we hold dear in America.
It was the sense of betrayal. We had stuck by them through the bad seasons. Worried and held our breath and prayed with every injury. Watched transfixed as the ball flew through the air. Would it clear the uprights or as the receiver ran down the field. Would he catch it? Would he hold on to it. With every fumble our hearts fell. Every Sunday, Monday and Thursday. We lived and breathed football, as if we were part of the team. We battled the opponent. We were united all rooting for the same cause.
Then Krapernick… A nasty evil, stain whose twisted thoughts chose to disrespect America, vets and yes, the fans. But I thought this is America’s sport. Surely he’s the exception. But then a few more sat or knelt and I thought they shouldn’t allow this.
The league has rules and I thought about what the league hadn’t allowed. 9/11 shoes, honoring the fallen Dallas officers, even excessive end zone celebration. But nothing was done. We were supposed to pay and be silent. I finally could no longer watch. My sense of right and wrong, wouldn’t allow it.
Then this year the President spoke up for America and they showed us how they truly felt. We were just their meal ticket. We paid, but how we felt meant nothing.
They are protesting a lie. Blacks aren’t killed as much as Whites by bad police and many times it’s not a bad cop, but a criminal who won’t obey the police. But whether it was true or not. They have no right to hijack a venue, where the people paid, to enjoy a day, to escape the madness. Now a captive audience, must watch the left’s political agenda played out.
If we are so racist, how does a game, that’s 75-82% Black succeed and be a billion dollar industry? Who’s buying the tickets? Who’s buying the merchandise? What is taking a knee changing? If they cared, with all their millions, what have they done for the inner city? How much have they invested, to combat Black on Black crime?
Don’t kneel, link arms, sit or exercise through the Anthem and tell me it’s not about America. When you chose the time and place for a reason. But in the end, what they did, was take away one of the last places, where we were all, just Americans, at least for 3 hours.
The post Grieving NFL Fan: What They Did Was Take Away One of the Last Places Where We Were All Americans, At Least for 3 Hours appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.