
Hillary SLAMS White Women Who Voted For Trump: “Why Are They Publicly Disrespecting Themselves?” (VIDEO)

- September 23, 2017

Hillary Clinton attacked white women in a Saturday morning interview with MSNBC’s JoyAnn Reid as she continued to blame sexism and misogyny for her crushing election loss.

Hillary was wringing her hands over the fact that the majority of white women voted for Trump even though he said disrespectful things about females in the Billy Bush tape.


“When I see women, and look, it’s predominantly white women, let’s just be clear about that. I won women, I lost white women although I got more white women’s votes than president Obama did in 2012 so this is an ongoing challenge,” Hillary said.

“But when I see women doing that, I think why are they publicly disrespecting themselves?”, Hillary continued.

Of course Hillary has zero self awareness as her own husband is a disgusting pervert who has been accused of alleged rape and sexual assault by many different women over the years.

Furthermore, women simply didn’t care about what Trump said on a hot mic over 10 years ago in private. We care about border security, jobs, lower taxes and strong leadership. Women want to feel safe. Hillary simply didn’t offer that as she constantly praised open borders and Islam.

Hillary Clinton demonized white people during her entire campaign. In fact, she routinely tweeted in Spanish and neglected the white voters altogether.

Truthfully, women of all ethnic backgrounds rejected Hillary for being a corrupt, lying politician. America is sick of the Clintons. It’s that simple.



The post Hillary SLAMS White Women Who Voted For Trump: “Why Are They Publicly Disrespecting Themselves?” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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