
In Alabama, Trump Attempts to Sell the Idea of a Transparent Wall

- September 22, 2017

President Trump must be going for the long con.

He’s already made the deal with Chuck and Nancy that he wouldn’t push for funding for the border wall, and then tried to placate his fan base by saying they would renovate the existing fencing along the border.

When the news broke, his base was not happy. While in Huntsville, Alabama, trying to rally support for Senate candidate Luther Strange on Friday night, Trump suggested that there would be a wall, after all, except it would be like Wonder Woman’s plane, or something – invisible.

“The wall is happening. In fact, you probably saw, you know, we have wall up there now, and re-renovating it already. It’s being made pristine, perfect, just as good as new, though we may go a little higher than that, but that’s okay. And we are building samples of a new wall. You know it has to be a see-through wall,” Trump said.

Notice what he said – we’re building “samples” of a new wall – not an actual wall.

And it’s going to be see-through.

“If you can’t vision through it, you don’t know who’s on the other side. Let’s say we build a pre-cast concrete wall and now we have people on the other side,” he continued, adding “It’s going to stop drugs. It’s going to stop a lot of bad things.”

If you can’t vision through it?

This is a lot of garbled double-talk that goes nowhere, and I don’t think he meant for it to go anywhere. He just needs for his followers to get lost in the word salad and believe he’s actually going to get that wall built.

He’s not.

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