Another day, another corrupt Democrat.
Texas Democrat State Rep. Dawnna Dukes is facing corruption charges; her trial is set for October 16th.
Travis County prosecutors claim Dukes showed up to the Capitol impaired, hid a cell phone from investigators and spent over $51,000 on an online psychic.
Dukes apparently used her own money for the psychic; the court documents do not indicate that she used taxpayer money.
Austin-American Statesman reported:
According to the filing, Dukes paid an online psychic $51,348 from December 2014 to January 2016, totaling nearly $1,000 per week.
In other “extraneous acts” listed in the filing, prosecutors say Dukes:
• Was absent for roll call 65 percent of the time during the 2017 legislative regular session, and 36 percent of the time in the special session.
• Responded to a search warrant for her cellphone by providing investigators a phone that did not match the identification number on the phone they had requested
• Was noticeably impaired while trying to perform legislative duties at the Capitol and showed up late to a House Appropriations Committee hearing on March 29, stating, “I know I’m talking a lot. I’m full of morphine and will be headed out of here soon.”
• Agreed to a contract with the Austin school district for her company, DM Dukes and Associates, to provide business evaluations but subcontracted the work to a consulting firm. The district paid Dukes $514,224 from May 2015 to March 2016.
• Arrived late to court settings on June 30 and Aug. 21. Judge Brad Urrutia threatened to hold Dukes in contempt if she does it again.
• Failed to submit in a timely fashion both a campaign finance report before the 2016 election and a 2017 personal financial statement. She was fined $1,000.
Dawnna Dukes is a TWELVE TERM Congresswoman. The longer these swamp creatures are in politics, the worse they become. If Dawnna Dukes held a job in the private sector and showed up to work impaired or decided not to show up 65% of the time, she would have been fired long ago.
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