Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” in a rare television interview conservative talker Rush Limbaugh explained to host Sean Hannity why President Donald Trump is having difficulties moving agenda. According to Limbaugh, the so-called establishment “can’t afford” for Trump to succeed. “Look, there isn’t much conservativism in the establishment,” Limbaugh explained. “There are Republicans and Democrats, but it’s basically people who are pro-government, pro-Washington, think government and Washington is the center of the world. They’ll give occasional mentions of these things that you mention, these policies to placate voters. But going back to an original question you had here, they don’t want Trump to succeed with his agenda. They can’t afford that. I’m not exaggerating here and trying to say things for a sound bite that Fox replays the rest of the day. They don’t want five days rush.” “They don’t want — they can’t afford for him to succeed with his agenda,” he continued. “They can’t afford it. The lid’s blown. The gig is over. The joke is revealed. If an outsider with no prior political experience can come in and fix messes that people have been promised would be fixed for 30 years, how does that make them look?