
New Poll: After Eight Months, How do Americans View Trump’s Fitness as President?

- September 27, 2017

It seems like the only people who have any confidence in Trump to do his job right are Republicans, and it’s not all of them, to be honest.

A new Quinnipiac poll explores the attitudes of American voters, as far as how they now see Donald Trump’s fitness for office.

When all totaled, a little over half of America’s voters feel Trump is unfit (and no, they didn’t ask me).

Broken down to specifics, 57 percent of Independents see him as unfit. A predictable 94 percent of Democrats see him as unfit.

Then you turn to the Republicans and see that 84 percent of them would support him, even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue.

And in other areas:

Responses were divided evenly among men, 49 percent to 49 percent, while 63 percent of women said Trump is unfit for the presidency. A small percentage of people declined to answer or said they were undecided.

The divisions over Trump’s job performance on race relations are stark in the poll. Ninety-four percent of African-Americans surveyed disapproved of Trump’s handling of race relations as president, compared to 66 percent of Hispanics who said the same.

White voters disapprove by a slimmer margin, with 55 percent disapproval compared to 39 percent approval.

Trump has stepped in it, so royally, when it comes to race relations after Charlottesville, or women’s issues before and after the election, none of this should come as a surprise.

We’ve already seen in a previous poll that 6 out of 10 Americans feel he’s doing more to divide the nation than to draw us together.

There were 1,412 respondents to this poll, giving it a margin of error of 3.1 percent. It was conducted from September 21 to September 26.

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