
Obama is Funding the Anti-Trump Resistance Through Massive Mortgage Money Shakedown

- September 23, 2017

Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance.

Never have we seen an ex-President undermine the next administration like this. There was never a peaceful transfer of power to the Trump administration. From the Russian collusion hoax to the landmines Obama set up, the Deep State is clawing to hang on to every ounce of power.

Paul Sperry of the New York Post breaks it down:

The Obama administration’s massive shakedown of Big Banks over the mortgage crisis included unprecedented back-door funding for dozens of Democratic activist groups who were not even victims of the crisis.

At least three liberal nonprofit organizations the Justice Department approved to receive funds from multibillion-dollar mortgage settlements were instrumental in killing the ObamaCare repeal bill and are now lobbying against GOP tax reform, as well as efforts to rein in illegal immigration.

An estimated $640 million has been diverted into what critics say is an improper, if not unconstitutional, “slush fund” fed from government settlements with JPMorgan Chase and Co., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., according to congressional sources.

Cause of Action Institute vice president Julie Smith told The Post that these radical ‘left-wing groups committed to ‘revolutionary social change’ sent proposals to and even met with high level HUD and DOJ officials in order to get their piece of the settlement pie.’

Now these groups, being well-funded, are actively working against Trump’s ‘America first’ policies.

One of the groups that received $1.5 million from Obama’s slush fund, La Raza, a radical ‘brown power’ group lobbying for illegal immigration and open borders actively fought against the repeal of Obamacare. Why? Because ‘8 million hispanics’ would lose their healthcare coverage if ACA was repealed.

In July, La Raza held a huge rally in Arizona to protest the ACA repeal efforts, influencing John McCain’s decision to stop Trump’s healthcare proposals which would ultimately repeal Obamacare.

National Urban League received $1.2 million from Obama’s slush fund according to The Post. They are an African-America group lobbying to keep ACA because they claim 5 million African-Americans would lose their healthcare coverage if Obamacare was repealed.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition received $2.6 million from Obama’s slush fund. They are actively lobbying against Wall Street reform such as repealing Dodd-Frank.

Although AG Sessions has ordered a full audit of these funds and halted the DOJ funding third party groups back in June, they are still being funded because Obama holdovers are doing whatever the hell they want without fear of reprisal.

In fact, AG Sessions said in a statement:

“When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer, any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people—not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power.”

Sperry reports the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues to force financial institutions it prosecutes to donate to third-party community organizers.

CFPB director Richard Cordray is an Obama holdover, whose special five-year term doesn’t expire until 2018.

The post Obama is Funding the Anti-Trump Resistance Through Massive Mortgage Money Shakedown appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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