
Rand Paul bucks Mitch McConnell, shows support for Judge Roy Moore

- September 23, 2017
 Caricature by DonkeyHotey flic.kr/p/Ct4G4K

Caricature by DonkeyHotey flic.kr/p/Ct4G4K

Image result for rand paul mitch mcconnell

On Friday, Sen. Rand Paul bucked his Kentucky colleague, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, indicating his support for Judge Roy Moore in the Alabama special election to replace Jeff Sessions.

Paul, a strong opponent of the latest pretend ObamaCare repeal bill, praised the Judge and shared an article in which Moore stated the same position. Like Paul, Moore intends to the hold the GOP to their promise to fully and totally repeal ObamaCare.

This is a direct shot at McConnell, who has spent nearly 10 million dollars to save corrupt appointee and rubber-stamp Luther Strange from the wrath of the voters.

Previously, another Kentuckian in Congress, Rep. Thomas Massie, rebuffed McConnell with his strong endorsement of Judge Moore:

“Roy Moore has more political spine than anyone I know,” Congressman Massie said. “He has twice chosen to lose his job rather than compromise his principles. He is a man willing to stand up to the out of control courts and help us return to the limited government outlined in our Constitution. I give him my full support and look forward to having him as a stalwart colleague in the Senate.”

The special election, which has turned into a national referendum, will be held Tuesday, September 23.

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