
Rand Paul: Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill ‘a Bad Idea’

- September 24, 2017
Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal and replace Obamacare is a “bad idea.” Paul said, “I have always been a yes for repeal but the bill, the Graham-Cassidy bill, unfortunately, basically keeps most of the Obamacare spending, almost all of it and it just reshuffles it and block grants it to the states. I don’t think block granting Obamacare makes it go away. It just means you are keeping all the money you’re spending still in Obamacare and reshuffles it. It is taking it from Democrat states and giving it to Republican states. It sets up a perpetual food fight over the formula. What happens if Democrats win?” “They are going to try and take back that money and give it to Democrat states,” he continued. “This is a bad idea, not repealed. However all of that being said, if they narrow the focus to the things we all agree on, expanding health savings accounts, giving governors more freedom though wavers, slowing down the rate of growth of an outrageous entitlement spending, sure, I would be for that. But I’m just not for this block granting concept because it is

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