
RedState WaterCooler! Monday, 9/11/2017 – Open Thread – Help Wanted! Inquire Below.

- September 25, 2017


Help Wanted. Inquire Below.

Hello RedStater’s,

Help Wanted at the WaterCooler!

The Team recently lost one of our own – God rest his soul. Although no one can replace grumpy in our heart, our daily ‘Cooler is stretched thin by not only our Monday open thread, but Saturday is open, as well.

So, RedStaters, The Team is looking to promote from within.

Your contribution comes not with a salary; however, we do offer a terrific benefits package such as a deeper connection with the RedState Community, and a splash across our Front Page alongside celebrity writers like RS’s managing editor Caleb Howe and Senior Editors Streiff, Susan Wright, and Jay Caruso.

Our open thread concept is unique not just to RedState. Name one other site that provides a forum for the internet at large to speak freely (with decorum, please) on any topic? This platform gives a WC Team Member an equally unique opportunity to actually chat, shoot the breeze, or engage on a higher level with fellow contributors.

Here’s another awesome benefit! Wouldn’t it be nice to expand on not just one topic per diary, but multiple subjects, issues of the day, gnawing queries, arguments or concerns? How cool would it be to start a conversation on a matter unrelated to politics? Maybe you’ll talk football, cookbooks or recent reads.

What we need you to do now is browse a few WaterCoolers, get a feel for what we do and how we accomplish greatness every day of the week. Then drop into the comment section below with your desire to enlist in RedState’s Team WaterCooler!

Streiff, Senior Editor and all around great guy, will pluck the lucky winner(s) from the interested parties and forward them to the Team. You will be contacted by the Team Leader (earhartam) via your email address on file.

Great Culture, Friendly Environment! Work from home! Act Fast! Limited time offer! Free Shipping! Promo code: WaterCooler.

Start your life changing journey today!

Welcome RedStater’s to *the* WaterCooler! RedState’s only Daily open thread. Enjoy!

The post RedState WaterCooler! Monday, 9/11/2017 – Open Thread – Help Wanted! Inquire Below. appeared first on RedState.


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