
Sudanese Immigrant Breaks into Nashville Church in Clown Mask – Shoots Up Church, 7 Injured, One Dead

- September 24, 2017

A 25 year-old Sudanese immigrant Emanuel Kidega Samson stormed into a Tennessee Church on Sunday and opened fire.

Samson was wearing a half face mask.
He murdered one woman in the parking lot and then went in the church and shot seven others.

Zero Hedge reported more on the immigrant killer:

Little is known about Samson or his motivation – other than that he is a black male, and that he wore a clown mask during the assault, before turning his gun on himself.

According to the Washington Times, Samson has been discharged from the hospital and will soon be charged with murder and attempting murder for the attack, police said…

…According to a report from ABC, the gunman “began indiscriminately shooting” after entering the church. He was confronted by a church usher and eventually shot himself during the struggle.

The post Sudanese Immigrant Breaks into Nashville Church in Clown Mask – Shoots Up Church, 7 Injured, One Dead appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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