
That’s Gotta Sting: Breitbart Is Denied Entry to Trump-Strange Rally in Alabama

- September 23, 2017


Or that’s what it could be shaping up to be.

Once the Trump administration purged itself of all the alt-right figures, other than Trump, himself, watching Breitbart News to see how Steve Bannon would balance his loyalty to Trump with his devotion to the nationalist movement has become sport.

One of those early tests has been the GOP primary race in Alabama, between establishment pick, Luther Strange, and super-conservative Judge Roy Moore.

President Trump has thrown himself in fully behind the Mitch McConnell favorite, Strange. Breitbart, however, has endorsed Judge Moore. So how does that play in MAGA land?

According to a CNN report, Breitbart was instructed earlier this week to begin pumping out more negative press on Strange.

Quite the sticky wicket, right?

Trump was in Huntsville, Alabama on Friday night to rally support for Strange, who has lagged behind Moore in every poll. At one point, he was nearly 20 points behind.

So what happened when Breitbart showed up in Huntsville to cover the rally?


So is this punishment for stepping out of line?

It’s hard to say, since there was no explanation given. Breitbart News has had no problem with press credentials or gaining access to Trump events in the past, however, so this does seem a bit off.

The reporter did manage to get in, but it doesn’t appear he got in as part of the press.

As Trump embraces more establishment types, as well as outright leftists, the very public breakdown of Breitbart should be amazing.

The post That’s Gotta Sting: Breitbart Is Denied Entry to Trump-Strange Rally in Alabama appeared first on RedState.


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