
A Florida Congresswoman Is Making the Rounds Dragging The Death of A Soldier Into The Political Sewer

- Oktober 18, 2017

(U.S. Army Special Operations Command via AP)

The media is going full-on stupid over Donald Trump saying he calls the spouses of fallen soldiers and maligning past presidents, particularly the media’s precious Barack Obama, for not calling during their tenure.

Trump’s statement was unnecessary, misguided — he said “that’s what I was told” when challenged — and childish. No question.

However, the media’s fixation on some inconsequential side comment Trump made days ago when there are so many other things going on has reached utter absurdity. And I say that as someone who is no fan of Donald J. Trump’s.

Enter the kingpin of all morning media, perpetually-offended, gasp-fests, MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The Tuesday morning new hotness to stoke the flames of their scandalized senses over Trump’s comment was to give a platform to Rep. Frederica Wilson (D – Fla.) to air her account of Trump’s phone call to Sgt. LA David Johnson’s widow.


We can no longer agree the President shouldn’t have said what he did about past president’s and politicizing the tradition of the Commander-in-Chief calling the loved ones of the fallen.

Now the left in their unceasing rush to the mic to announce how much they don’t like the president and rail about what a bad human being he is, are dragging a man’s death and what ought be a private moment of condolences, as awkward and poorly executed as they may have been, onto national television.

It’s one thing for the family to speak about how they felt, but for a Democratic representative to make the rounds — she was also on The View this morning — spouting off about how she perceived the phone call and the Widow Johnson’s response is tasteless and vile television.

Rep. Wilson and her ilk, who are incessantly deriding Trump over her account of his phone call in an attempt to show what a low piece of humanity the president is and are offended he dared to impugn Obama, are out-Trumping Trump in their bottom-dwelling.

This is not an issue about her veracity. The widow has since confirmed the call. The overall point is, ‘What did Rep. Wilson think she was going to accomplish by saying something about it?’

The post A Florida Congresswoman Is Making the Rounds Dragging The Death of A Soldier Into The Political Sewer appeared first on RedState.


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