
Dem Rep Lewis: Gun Violence ‘Daily Epidemic’

- Oktober 07, 2017

In this week’s Democratic address, Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) decried gun violence, calling it a “daily epidemic.” Transcript as follows: Hello. I’m Congressman John Lewis, and I represent the 5th District of Georgia. On Monday, our nation woke up to the news of the worst mass shooting in our history. At least 58 people were killed. Over 500 were injured. All because an evil, disturbed man was able to get his hands on a dozen deadly weapons and turn them on a crowd of innocents. When I think of Las Vegas – when I think of Newtown and Charleston, and Orlando and Aurora – my heart breaks. Gun violence is a daily epidemic – a daily drumbeat of tragedy in families and communities across America. Not always on the front pages, but always someone irreplaceable and beloved. 90 Americans are killed every day. Every year, we lose more than 30,000 men, women and children to gun violence. What will it take for the Republican Congress to wake up? They hold moments of silence and vigils; they offer thoughts and prayers. But they do nothing. And when the media moves on, they peddle the lie that we need more guns to

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