
Gingrich: Russian Influence-Peddling Surrounding Hillary Clinton ‘Stunning’

- Oktober 24, 2017
newt gingrich
With Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation now reportedly including lobbyist Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, John Podesta, GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich called the Hillary Clinton Russian influence-peddling “stunning.” “The level of foreign money penetrating this country is very disturbing,” Newt Gingrich stated Monday on “Fox & Friends.” “I think that we ought to have some kind of Congressional hearings just to set the record of how many countries are trying to influence us.” Gingrich said he thought it was “crazy” President Donald Trump and his associates were being investigated for colluding with Russia while the Clinton Foundation and its role with the Uranium One deal and the Podesta Group doing representational work in Russia were not. “The total surround for Hillary Clinton of Russian influence-peddling was stunning,” he added. Follow Breitbart.tv on Twitter @BreitbartVideo

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