
International Terror Expert Reports on Vegas Killer Stephen Paddock and ISIS

- Oktober 03, 2017

Rita Katz from the very reputable SITE Intelligence Group released a series of statements on Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas mass murderer.

On Monday ISIS took responsibility for the attack. And in a rare move released a follow-up statement to say Paddock had converted to Islam in recent months.

Rita Katz published a string of 23 tweets on the Las Vegas terrorist attack.

1) BREAKING: ‘ Amaq claims shooting. Surprising as it sounds, statement issued on legit primary source.

2) Interestingly, Amaq released 2 statements: one claiming attacker as an #ISIS soldier, & 2nd that he ”converted to Islam” months ago

3) Given what is known of attacker Stephen Paddock, #ISIS needs evidence. Otherwise, might make ISIS appear (more) desperate for claims

4) Rare event that #ISIS news agency Amaq releases a follow-up statement (i.e.its follow-up about Paddock purportedly converting to Islam)…

5) Prior to claim, #ISIS supporters didn’t suspect connection to group,but ISIS linked Aswirati Media was already posting celebratory images

6) Tho rare, Amaq follow-up claim was needed on #ISIS’ part: currently no known radical religious element to Paddock’s background

7) #ISIS appears to be doubling down on its claim for #LasVegas as Amaq statements being further disseminated in different languages.

8) Not clear if promise for proof or threat, but pro-#ISIS message states that those saying it “has nothing to do” w attack will “regret” it

9) Of all #ISIS claims of attacks, #LasVegasShooting is the strangest. Such attackers usually show indicators online ,travels, history, etc

10) As of today, #ISIS’ Amaq has claimed the two largest shootings in recent US history: #Orlando, and now #LasVegas

11) In neither case, however, did #ISIS provide proof. #OrlandoShooting claim came hours after media reported Mateen’s #ISIS / #AQ pledge

12) Not surprising that despite no proof by #ISIS, supporters believe it, mocking US intel, & #Trump for saying he’d “destroy the Caliphate”

13) #BREAKING: #ISIS issues official communique on #LasVegas attack, identifying Paddock as “Abu Abd Abdulbar al-Ameriki”

14) The communique, however, offered no proof of attacker Stephen Paddock’s support or connection to #ISIS.

15) ISIS gives unverifiable (as of yet) narrative: Paddock, responding to Baghdadi’s incitements, did “precise” surveillance of venue prior

16)Text in the communique similar to others by #ISIS, tho 1st to frame attack as “response”specifically to”Baghdadi” http://ift.tt/2g7igGt …

17) Important to note btwn Amaq statements vs official communiques: former more open-ended, latter imply degree of knowledge or connection

18) Campaign by #ISIS supporters online starting to look like a coordinated one: reissued releases, barrages of graphics, threats, vid, etc.

19) No link found yet between #LasVegas attacker & #ISIS, but ISIS will benefit from its claim, regardless of how truthful/untruthful it is

20)If ISIS verified as telling the truth, it will have pulled off what supporters &global jihadi movement will see as monumental achievement

21) If #ISIS is lying, it will only lose cred by those who already distrust it. To brainwashed supporters, it won’t even crack the bubble

23) Reg the above map, important to mention that #LasVegasAttack is the only attack on the map that isn’t plausibly connected to #ISIS

The post International Terror Expert Reports on Vegas Killer Stephen Paddock and ISIS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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