Rita Katz from the very reputable SITE Intelligence Group released a series of statements on Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas mass murderer.
On Monday ISIS took responsibility for the attack. And in a rare move released a follow-up statement to say Paddock had converted to Islam in recent months.
Rita Katz published a string of 23 tweets on the Las Vegas terrorist attack.
1) BREAKING: #ISIS‘ Amaq claims #LasVegas shooting. Surprising as it sounds, statement issued on legit primary source.
BREAKING: #ISIS claimed #LasVegas attack, reporting through ‘Amaq that executor is one of its “soldiers” & he converted to Islam months ago http://pic.twitter.com/4E85vEIUzH
— SITE Intel Group (@siteintelgroup) October 2, 2017
2) Interestingly, Amaq released 2 statements: one claiming attacker as an #ISIS soldier, & 2nd that he ”converted to Islam” months ago
2) Interestingly, Amaq released 2 statements: one claiming attacker as an #ISIS soldier, & 2nd that he ”converted to Islam” months ago http://pic.twitter.com/myYfzGvK5m
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
3) Given what is known of attacker Stephen Paddock, #ISIS needs evidence. Otherwise, might make ISIS appear (more) desperate for claims
4) Rare event that #ISIS news agency Amaq releases a follow-up statement (i.e.its follow-up about Paddock purportedly converting to Islam)…
5) Prior to claim, #ISIS supporters didn’t suspect connection to group,but ISIS linked Aswirati Media was already posting celebratory images
5) Prior to claim, #ISIS supporters didn’t suspect connection to group,but ISIS linked Aswirati Media was already posting celebratory images http://pic.twitter.com/3XTeWb4yoD
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
6) Tho rare, Amaq follow-up claim was needed on #ISIS’ part: currently no known radical religious element to Paddock’s background
7) #ISIS appears to be doubling down on its claim for #LasVegas as Amaq statements being further disseminated in different languages.
7) #ISIS appears to be doubling down on its claim for #LasVegas as Amaq statements being further disseminated in different languages. http://pic.twitter.com/ecTVGjvclM
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
8) Not clear if promise for proof or threat, but pro-#ISIS message states that those saying it “has nothing to do” w attack will “regret” it
8) Not clear if promise for proof or threat, but pro-#ISIS message states that those saying it “has nothing to do” w attack will “regret” it http://pic.twitter.com/TRtBXjIwMU
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
9) Of all #ISIS claims of attacks, #LasVegasShooting is the strangest. Such attackers usually show indicators online ,travels, history, etc
10) As of today, #ISIS’ Amaq has claimed the two largest shootings in recent US history: #Orlando, and now #LasVegas
11) In neither case, however, did #ISIS provide proof. #OrlandoShooting claim came hours after media reported Mateen’s #ISIS / #AQ pledge
12) Not surprising that despite no proof by #ISIS, supporters believe it, mocking US intel, & #Trump for saying he’d “destroy the Caliphate”
12) Not surprising that despite no proof by #ISIS, supporters believe it, mocking US intel, & #Trump for saying he’d “destroy the Caliphate” http://pic.twitter.com/64A7kSlG70
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
13) #BREAKING: #ISIS issues official communique on #LasVegas attack, identifying Paddock as “Abu Abd Abdulbar al-Ameriki”
13) #BREAKING: #ISIS issues official communique on #LasVegas attack, identifying Paddock as “Abu Abd Abdulbar al-Ameriki” http://pic.twitter.com/lqHmY2BLgC
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
14) The communique, however, offered no proof of attacker Stephen Paddock’s support or connection to #ISIS.
15) ISIS gives unverifiable (as of yet) narrative: Paddock, responding to Baghdadi’s incitements, did “precise” surveillance of venue prior
16)Text in the communique similar to others by #ISIS, tho 1st to frame attack as “response”specifically to”Baghdadi” http://ift.tt/2g7igGt …
17) Important to note btwn Amaq statements vs official communiques: former more open-ended, latter imply degree of knowledge or connection
18) Campaign by #ISIS supporters online starting to look like a coordinated one: reissued releases, barrages of graphics, threats, vid, etc.
18) Campaign by #ISIS supporters online starting to look like a coordinated one: reissued releases, barrages of graphics, threats, vid, etc. http://pic.twitter.com/kLrSsMTZva
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
19) No link found yet between #LasVegas attacker & #ISIS, but ISIS will benefit from its claim, regardless of how truthful/untruthful it is
20)If ISIS verified as telling the truth, it will have pulled off what supporters &global jihadi movement will see as monumental achievement
21) If #ISIS is lying, it will only lose cred by those who already distrust it. To brainwashed supporters, it won’t even crack the bubble
22) #LasVegasShooting marks 1st 2017 #ISIS-claimed attack in US. Other claimed attacks in West include: UK- 4, France-3, Spain-2, Belgium-2 http://pic.twitter.com/3OD9Z5Wf9m
— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) October 2, 2017
23) Reg the above map, important to mention that #LasVegasAttack is the only attack on the map that isn’t plausibly connected to #ISIS
The post International Terror Expert Reports on Vegas Killer Stephen Paddock and ISIS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.