Skunk John McCain ran his reelection campaign on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Then in August he voted against EVEN OPENING DEBATE on the failed healthcare bill — killing it before new options were ever discussed.
And with that vote John McCain assured that MILLIONS of Americans would continue to suffer with their current Obamacare plans.
Today Senator unloaded on FOX News reporter Peter Doocy for asking if his horrible voting record is in protest of Trump.
Peter Doocy: Has your relationship with the president frayed to the point that you’re not going to support anything that he comes to you and asks for?
Senator John McCain: Why would you say something that stupid? Why would you ask something that dumb? Huh? My job as a United States senator as a senator from Arizona which I was just reelected to. You think that I would somehow behave in a way that I would block everything just because of some personal disagreement? That’s a dumb question.
McCain is not just a liar. He’s an arrogant cantankerous liar.
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