Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) hinted me might leave the Republican Party given its positions on some issues, especially in the wake of GOP voters selecting former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore as the party’s U.S. Senate nominee for a special election later this year. Partial transcript as follows: JAKE TAPPER: So I get that you’re not going to support Judge Moore, but he believes that homosexual acts should be illegal. He questions where Barack Obama was born. He’s written that Keith Ellison, the congressman from Minnesota, should not be allowed to serve in Congress because Ellison is a Muslim. What role do you think the Republican Party should play when it comes to Roy Moore’s campaign? KASICH: Well, look, I don’t run the party. I can tell you for me, I don’t support that. I couldn’t vote for that. I don’t know what the heck I would have to do, but I don’t live in that state. I mean, those claims are — I mean, they’re ludicrous, and they’re divisive. And if that’s where we’re headed then — well, first of all, we can’t — remember, I wrote that book and —