
Ken Burns: Many Confederate Monuments Are ‘All About the Reimposition of White Supremacy’

- Oktober 20, 2017

Friday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” filmmaker Ken Burns said many Confederate monuments were “all about the reimposition of white supremacy” after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision causing the desegregation of public schools. Burns said, “There is a professor — Barbara Fields — from Columbia University, and she says the civil war is still going on. Not only still going on, but it can also still be lost. Regrettably, it can still be lost … We haven’t resolved this the question of race.” He continued, “So the monuments is a big deal and we have to understand it. First thing is, just check the date that monument went up. If it’s the 1880s and ’90s, take it down. It’s all about the reimposition of white supremacy. When we say the south and my heritage, remember in a 1861, 9 million people in the south. Four million are slaves. They are not interested in monuments to the Confederacy, a disloyal thing. Remember, the Confederacy is responsible for more loyal American deaths than Hitler or Tojo. We’re celebrating who our government considered traitors, who were never recognized, the Confederate States of America. The official name of the United  States

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