
Mark Wahlberg said He Asked God for Forgiveness for His Role in “Boogie Nights”

- Oktober 24, 2017

While Hollywood can sometimes produce the worst humanity has to offer, A-list actor Mark Wahlberg is proof that it can sometimes produce the best.

Wahlberg is known for his portrayal of Marcus Luttrell in the movie “Lone Survivor,” the eldest Mercer brother in “Four Brothers,” and much more. However, while Wahlberg may be proud of those roles, there’s one he’s not, and it’s one of his biggest hits.

Wahlberg recently attended a “Chicago Inc.” event meant to draw young people toward the Catholic church. As he was answering questions, he told one questioner who asked if there were any roles he regretted that he asked God for forgiveness for his portrayal of a 1970’s porn star named Dirk Diggler in the 1997 hit “Boogie Nights.”

From the Chicago Tribune:

Standing next to Cardinal Blase Cupich on Friday night in Chicago, Wahlberg, a committed Catholic, told Chicago Inc., “I just always hope that God is a movie fan and also forgiving, because I’ve made some poor choices in my past.”

Asked if he’d ever prayed for forgiveness for any movies in particular, he added, “‘Boogie Nights’ is up there at the top of the list.”

Wahlberg not only wants to draw the youth to the church, but he wanted to show teens and young adults that forgiveness and peace can be found through God, especially in a city that influences violence like Chicago.

He told Inc. that he believed his own troubled adolescence, which included time spent in prison for a racist assault on a Vietnamese immigrant, might make it easier for Chicago youths caught up in violent crime to relate to how he turned his life around with the church’s help.

“I’ve never been shy about sharing my past and the bad decisions I’ve made and being affiliated with gangs, being incarcerated, so absolutely I think they can identify with me on a personal level, and that’s why I’ve continued to try to do as much as I can to help young people,” he said.

What’s more, Whalberg said he’s into putting his boots on the ground when it comes to helping his community, and not just throwing money at this cause or that charity.

“It’s one thing to give money, or to start programs, but to be there and be able to talk to them, and tell them there is someone who has been through the same things they are going through and was able to turn their life around and turn it into a big positive. That’s always important,” said Wahlberg.

Whalberg having been jailed himself, said that being locked up was a “big wake-up call for me. A lot of people go to God when they get into trouble. When I heard the jail doors close behind me … I knew that was just the beginning for me.”

“I feel remorse when I’ve made mistakes,” added Wahlberg. “If I could go back and change a lot of things that I did, I would. I look for ways to give back.”

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