News of President Trump and Democratic leadership potentially working together on DACA shocked the political and media class. Behind the scenes, an even more concerning plot is being planned — the DREAM Act — which according to Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL), would allow for open-ended amnesty. Why isn’t the media covering this?
Breitbart News reports:
Democratic leader Sen. Richard Durbin confirmed to Breitbart News that the Dream Act amnesty is open-ended and larger than his advertised number of the 780,000 people who have signed up for the DACA amnesty.
Breitbart News asked Durbin on Wednesday how many people would be included in the amnesty, which is co-sponsored by South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham. Durbin answered by saying:
We’re aiming at the DACA population, which is 780,000, but the Dream Act leaves that open.
Durbin’s admission that the Dream Act is open-ended raise the stakes for the Republican Party because the vast majority of likely beneficiaries lean Democratic — and because subsequent chain migration could deliver millions of lower-skilled, government-dependent legal immigrants to the polling booths in 2028 and 2032.
Never Trump Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said recently that she will be voting against the most recent Obamacare repeal legislation, effectively killing the Graham-Cassidy bill.
Republicans will now have to wait until next year to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The GOP senators could not care less about the Americans suffering from this failed and overpriced plan.
Republican senators introduced a plan on Monday to give amnesty to illegal alien DREAMERS.
The New York Times reported:
Three Republican senators introduced a bill on Monday that would offer young undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, signaling a possible bipartisan consensus on legislation to protect immigrants brought to the United States as children.
Senators Thom Tillis of North Carolina, James Lankford of Oklahoma and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah offered what they called the Succeed Act, billed as a Republican alternative to the Dream Act that is championed largely by Democrats. Both measures would provide a legislative solution for some of the 800,000 or so beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, an Obama-era order that President Trump rescinded this month.
Congress has six months to figure out how to deal with the program’s suspension before young recipients of the program begin losing their protections and potentially face being deported.
.@GOP senators offer conservative alternative to #DREAMAct— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 25, 2017
The post Media Blackout as Top Dem Senator Admits DREAM Act a Ploy for *Unlimited Amnesty* appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.