
NOT FUNNY: Jimmy Kimmel Says It’s Not His Place To Crack Harvey Weinstein Jokes (VIDEO)

- Oktober 13, 2017

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel has been in the news lately for his gun control rhetoric. The comedian-turned-DNC talking point spewer is under fire for an old clip featuring him asking women to feel whats in his pants for The Man Show. 

Mediaite reports:

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, the skeletons in other celebrities’ closets have been coming out.

[…]He suggested one woman “use two hands” and jokingly said “maybe it’d be easier if you put your mouth on it.”

Kimmel asked another woman how old she was, which she said 18.

“Are you sure?” Kimmel replied. “Because Uncle Jimmy doesn’t need to do time.”

When one of his contestants was aggressively feeling around his pants, he told her “You’re gonna make a fine wife.”

In the end, he revealed what he had in his pants: a zucchini with a rubber band on it.

Kimmel has been locked in a Twitter Feud with Donald Trump Jr. lately.

Donald Trump Jr. trolled Hillary Clinton on Saturday in a viral tweet. “Weird, Hillary has been really quiet about Harvey Weinstein. You would think she would be all Over this. #WhatHappened?

Donald Trump Jr. challenged sometime comedian Jimmy Kimmel to share his thoughts on liberal icon and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.
Ever since Kimmel became a DNC talking head, he’s become America’s “moral conscience.”
No the host isn’t so sure! He claims he isn’t — and therefore need not crack jokes about Harvey Weinstein. That’s rich!

Daily Beast reports:

“First of all, the Harvey Weinstein thing, people like this false equivalence of that’s somehow equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas,” Kimmel added, arguing that the alleged assault of dozens of women does not deserve the same reaction as the killing of nearly 60 people. He said that Weinstein is “not a friend of mine,” adding, “I’m not in the movie business.” As a once and future Oscar host who is friends with many of the movie stars in Weinstein’s orbit, that claim is a hard one to buy.

On GMA, Kimmel went on to accuse “gun nuts” of “trying take any comedy bit I did out of context and use it as some kind of proof” that he is not an ally for women, including some pretty gross moments from The Man Show.


“They’re saying that I’m calling myself the moral conscience of America, which I most certainly never did and most certainly never would,” he declared.

The post NOT FUNNY: Jimmy Kimmel Says It’s Not His Place To Crack Harvey Weinstein Jokes (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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