“Democratic Socialist” Bernie Sanders of Vermont left the Democratic party after it stabbed him in the back in favor of Hillary Clinton’s climb to the top. Sanders, a much-beloved figure by far too many people, posed a threat to the DNC’s establishment pick, and colluded to undermine his campaign.
When the news broke of the betrayal via Wikileaks, DNC supporters abandoned the party and Clinton. One of those who left the party was none other than Sanders.
But Sanders still wanted a say in Democratic Party affairs despite the fact that he now had an “I” next to his “Vt.” So the DNC looked to stop that cold by introducing a resolution that forced Sanders and Angus King (I-Maine) to run as Democrats when they try for reelection in 2018.
The resolution was introduced by California’s DNC member Bob Mulholland, who wants a more united front come midterm elections than a house divided, especially if Sanders has 2020 presidential prospects.
From The Hill:
The resolution, sponsored by California DNC member Bob Mulholland, argued that “a strong and unified Democratic party … puts us in the best position to win elections.” It went on to urge the two independent senators to “register or affiliate with the Democratic Party in 2017, 2018 and beyond.”
Sanders, a self-described “democratic socialist,” is considered a possible contender for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, and some party members have remained uneasy about the prospect of embracing a candidate who refuses to call himself a Democrat.
Thankfully for Sanders, and possibly the left’s 2020 chances, the resolution was struck down, giving he and King the freedom enough to wear an I as they run with the heard of Ds.
As Ed Morrissey points out, this is a good tactical move for Democrats who would have likely lost Sanders to the better fitting Green Party, costing the DNC 2020 presidential election for sure due to all the absent would be Dems who followed Sanders:
Mulholland and the DNC Clintonistas had better be cautious about issuing ultimata. Now with the purge at the DNC apparently in full swing, Sanders might have second thoughts about the Green Party, which has always been a closer political fit for him than the Democrats. He can still caucus with Senate Democrats if he gets re-elected, but his supporters will flood into the Greens and carry him bodily onto their 2020 ticket. He won’t win, but neither will Democrats, and the Clintonistas will find themselves holding the bag for yet another disastrous political cycle.
But the Democrats shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet. How raw the 2016 wounds will still be come 2020 will play a major part in whether or not the DNC will have the backing it did when Bernie was its unofficial champion. If Sanders IS more suited for the Green Party, then so are many of his supporters who may refuse to touch the Democratic Party ever again.
Unless they can really suck up to Sanders, and allow him to sooth the ruffled feathers of many of his supporters, the Democrats may not have the same groundswell they did before the DNC screwed the proverbial pooch.
The post The DNC Almost Screwed Bernie Sanders — and Themselves — Again appeared first on RedState.