
Trump Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Says the Evidence of Collusion with Russia is “Indisputable”

- Oktober 28, 2017

President Trump may be on limited Twitter use today, but White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is not, and she unleashed about Russia and collusion and the 2016 election by tweet earlier this afternoon.

First, she started out by addressing comments earlier this week from former Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon, who told the Washinton Post he was “damn glad” that the campaign had pursued the Fusion GPS oppo.

Just in case you don’t know who Fallon is, here is something else he said on the topic of the DNC funding of the infamous dossier.

Sanders followed up on her first tweet, calling the evidence that Hillary “colluded” with Russia “indisputable.”

We should note that many conservatives disputed the idea that President Trump, in his tweet last week regarding funding for the dossier, was accusing the FBI of colluding with a foreign power to subvert our electoral process. It should be clear now that that is exactly what Trump meant, as I said.

Apparently alone in the current media landscape, I find it pretty irresponsible for government officials to be making such an incredibly serious accusation about our top law enforcement agency. But that die is cast.

In any case, Sanders does not mention the FBI, just the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

Collusion is a pretty specific charge, and it’s particularly so when we are, as here, applying it strictly to the election. Now both Democrats and Republicans are accusing each other of this very serious thing. Charges are pending in an investigation into this very serious thing. And we are all waiting for our leaders to sort out exactly what happened with regard to this very serious thing.

We could hope that it is taken very seriously by everyone, including the media. But we can expect it will remain extremely partisan. At least for now.

Indisputable? Technically, it’s clearly not. It’s highly in dispute. But the fact that the DNC and the campaign were in bed with Fusion GPS and Steele is without question. We may find out Monday who else was taking intel (or more) from Russia.

What a mess.

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