
Trump Proclaims Monday as Columbus Day – Without Trashing America’s Founder Like Obama Did

- Oktober 07, 2017

President Donald Trump proclaimed Monday as Columbus Day on Friday.
And he did this without trashing America’s founder like Obama did.

Yahoo reported:

President Donald Trump is proclaiming Monday as Columbus Day — without any of his predecessor’s qualms.

The president’s proclamation Friday directs the U.S. to celebrate his discovery of the Americas, noting “the permanent arrival of Europeans … was a transformative event that undeniably and fundamentally changed the course of human history and set the stage for the development of our great Nation.”

Trump’s proclamation only praises Columbus, Spain and the explorer’s native Italy.

It contrasts with President Barack Obama’s document almost exactly a year earlier. Obama’s proclamation acknowledged Columbus’ spirit of exploration. But he said the nation should “also acknowledge the pain and suffering reflected in the stories of Native Americans who had long resided on this land prior to the arrival of European newcomers.”

Obama used every opportunity he had to trash America and rewrite history.

As Dinesh D’Souza reported in his movie “America, Imagine a World Without Her,” more Native American Indians killed Indians than the settlers killed Indians.

FrontPage reported:

For example, while the left singles out the settlers of the New World for “stealing” Native American territory, D’Souza reveals the same land transfers occurred in precisely the same manner among tribes who successively conquered one another. The charge of genocide is debunked when D’Souza explains that far more Indians died from disease than slaughter, and the same lack of natural defenses that made Native Americans vulnerable to European-borne maladies are the ones that made Europeans susceptible to the Asian-borne diseases that devastated Europe. Tellingly, no one refers to the European tragedy as genocide.

The post Trump Proclaims Monday as Columbus Day – Without Trashing America’s Founder Like Obama Did appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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