Usually When You Discipline People At Work Their Feelings Do Get Hurt It’s True
Bob Iger the CEO of Disney says he didn’t suspend Jemelle Hill because here feelings were hurt. I am going to go out on a limb and say everyone he’s fired had their feelings hurt.
Disney CEO Bob Iger, who will be running for president next year when he steps down at Disney’s CEO, said he personally made the decision not to suspend Jemele Hill for calling the president a white supremacist because her feelings were hurt.
That’s what he said.
In fact, Iger went even further, he also said Donald Trump was taking away black people’s civil rights.
Here is Iger explaining why Jemele Hill wasn’t punished.
“I felt that we had to take context into account,” Iger said.
Right, right. It’s important to understand why someone falsely accused the democratically elected leader of our country of being a white supremacist and also accusing the people who work for Donald Trump and all his voters of being white supremacists too.
Context is really important there.
Of course Iger didn’t cite the context when Curt Schilling disagreed with North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law and was fired for expressing that opinion last year. And Iger certainly didn’t cite the context when Linda Cohn went on the radio and said one reason ESPN’s ratings were falling was because the network had gotten too political and was suspended for saying that. Even if, you know, she was right.
Well I always said Republicans and Conservatives in particular have our feelings and our tear ducts removed when we join. I guess Mr. Iger either believes or thinks we aren’t particularly worthy of the consideration he gives other people.
Angry Donors Shunning McConnell And Ryan
Republicans are confronting a growing revolt from their top donors, who are cutting off the party in protest over its inability to get anything done.
Tensions reached a boiling point at a recent dinner at the home of Los Angeles billionaire Robert Day. In full view of around two dozen guests, Thomas Wachtell, a retired oil and gas investor and party contributor, delivered an urgent message to the night’s headliner, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: Just do something.
“Anybody who was there knew that I was not happy. And I don’t think anybody was happy. How could you be?” said Wachtell, who has previously given over $2,000 to McConnell but recently stopped donating to Senate GOP causes. “You’re never going to get a more sympathetic Republican than I am. But I’m sick and tired of nothing happening.”
With the GOP’s agenda at a virtual standstill on Capitol Hill, the party is contending with a hard reality. Some of the party’s most elite and influential donors, who spent the past eight years plowing cash into the party’s coffers in hopes of accomplishing a sweeping conservative agenda and undoing Barack Obama’s legislative accomplishments, are closing their wallets.
Well what do you know, it’s not just the rank and file here. Turns out everyone thinks the party’s leadership is useless. The $64,000 question is why are they still there ?
All Men, All White’ GOP Makes People Distrust Politics
The Peter Principle says people rise to the level of their incompetence, in Mrs. Obama’s case I guess that level was lunch planning. Certainly observing the nations politics is beyond her.
Former first lady Michelle Obama claims the Republican Party’s lack of diversity makes Americans distrust the political process.
According to Obama, the GOP being too white and male means “it’s hard to come up with the right answer [to the problems of minorities] when you haven’t lived it.
” Many of the young people today, they only know Barack Obama as their president and what that standard felt like and what kind of messages were being talked about… They grew up only under hope and possibility and options and opportunity and creating more space,” Obama argued. “I think they will feel some of what’s happening now as intrinsically not what they were taught.”
When it comes to making people distrust politics, news media that moves in lockstep like a well made machine, politicians who are visibly lying, and party figure heads who can’t see beyond their noses might all have a part to play.
Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today. As always it’s an open thread
The post Water Cooler 10/5/17 Open Thread; Feelings Hurt ? You May Have An Excuse; Donors Sick Of McConnell; Hey GOP You’re All Male; appeared first on RedState.