
WOW: Billionaire GOP Donors Cast a Chill over Trump’s Job Performance

- Oktober 28, 2017

If the GOP wants to remain financially well in 2020, they may have to rely on donations from average voters, and given the civil war that’s currently raging, helped along by the president and his slow witted toadies in the media, I don’t see how that happens.

At a recent gathering of big money donors, the same billionaire donors who were willing to suck up to Donald Trump in 2016, the mood was near-apocalyptic.

New York Magazine snagged audio of the meeting, and to say a Trump presidency, along with the GOP’s acquiescence to his whims has put these donors into a panic would be an understatement.

It was at the Robin Hood Investment Conference last week, in Manhattan. Big rollers pay around $7,500 for a two day conference, to hear top financial minds speak on stock tips and predictions.

With about 1,000 in attendance, the proceeds go to the Robin Hood charitable fund.

At this year’s event, despite a roaring stock market, the mood was glum. Barry Sternlicht, a billionaire real-estate investor, hotel mogul, and self-described Trump friend and golf partner, seemed to have soured on the president. “I expected him to go to the middle, because I thought he wanted to be great,” he said of Trump, according to an audio of his off-the-record talk obtained by New York. “I played [golf] with Donald Trump and his golf game is like his presidency,” he said, eliciting guffaws. “He’s amusing as my friend, but he’s not very amusing as president of the United States. And I’m a Republican.”

Another GOP donor, Seth Klarman, a hedge fund CEO over the $30 billion Baupost Group hedge fund, is particularly freaked out about how the Trump presidency has moved along, so far.

“The president is a threat to democracy. He has attacked journalists and he’s threatening to take away NBC’s license,” Klarman said, according to an audio recording of his remarks. “He’s attacking judges. He’s violating all sorts of democratic norms, from the emoluments clause to questioning the election and threatening to lock up his opponent. People don’t focus on this but Nazi Germany had a constitution before Hitler came to power and at the end of the war they had the exact same constitution. It lasted all the way through, but democracy didn’t.”

Klarman continued: “The country is getting divided, whether it’s immigrants, whether it’s transgender people, whether it’s blacks, whether it’s Mexicans. It’s awful.”

I know. Godwin’s law.

Regardless, there is apparently real concern among top GOP donors, and it’s the price the GOP chose to pay by gambling and putting their support behind a bumbling, irrational, novelty candidate, with no grasp of the nation’s issues and some deep-rooted personality defects. It’s almost like they forgot that there’d be other elections coming up after 2016.

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