
Author Klein: Former President Obama is “Popping Gummy Bears Infused with Cannabis”

- November 08, 2017

Author Ed Klein: Former President Obama is “popping gummy bears infused with cannibis.”

Author Ed Klein joined the Janet Mefferd Show on Bott Radio Network tonight on Tuesday night and dropped this morsel – Obama is chomping down on pot gummy bears.

Ms. Mefferd, a longtime former religion writer for the Dallas Morning News is now a Christian Talk Show host.  On Tuesday she interviewed Ed Klein on his latest book “All out war: the plot to destroy Donald Trump”.

The conversation turned to former President Barack Obama, and how he’s not quite being the warrior that many expected him to be (and I must confess that knowing 1. Obama doesn’t like people (according to a former staffer), 2. that he’s far from the most disciplined of men, and 3. that he may still have some bad habits from his younger days I somewhat expected this).

Mr. Klein dropped this baby H-bomb on the show (around the 15;05 mark):

“According to my sources, despite all the efforts on the part of the Democratic party to get the former president engaged he’s, uh, totally disengaged,
he’s, uh, as you just said, playing video games like a teenager, going back to his “Choom gang” days in Hawai’i when he smoked pot.

He’s popping gummy bears infused with cannabis… all this comes from a source of mine who actually has smoked marijuana with him since he left the White House.”

Here’s the podcast — with the quote around the 15:05 mark:

TGP reader Kurt added:  Part of me wants to laugh at this, Jim, yet another part is very uneasy tonight. This is who “we” elected for two four year terms, and given tonight’s Virginia and New Jersey results there are many who would be happy to have such a man in office again (and ignore things like this). Also, remembering how past despots choose people who think like them, he’s got far too many of his own “shadow government” (Mr. Klein’s term) in place already.

We’re only in a reprieve, and we must keep vigilant for our nation.

The post Author Klein: Former President Obama is “Popping Gummy Bears Infused with Cannabis” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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