
Carrier Plant Used for Trump Photo-Op Announces MORE Layoffs

- November 09, 2017

For some bizarre reason, and in spite of well-documented history, people actually believed candidate Trump when he said he would keep jobs in America.

The good folks of Indianapolis thought he meant it, when he struck a deal to keep a Carrier plant in their town. That’s for sure.

Since that “deal,” the actual, physical building that houses the operation may still be standing, but the people that work the jobs within – not so much.

I guess the devil is in the details.

According to a new Fox News report, 200 more employees of the company will be heading to the unemployment line.

Less than four months after it laid off nearly 340 employees at its Indianapolis factory, Carrier announced that 215 more employees will be terminated on Jan. 11.

The company said in a statement that it had originally planned to lay off 275 employees on Dec. 22, but decided to reduce the size of the layoff and delay the timing because of voluntary employee attrition.

The employees left have no confidence in their job security.

With good reason.

But hey… it made for a great photo op for Trump the Most Glorious.

Shortly after Trump’s election, Carrier announced that it had reached a deal with the then president-elect to keep approximately 1,070 jobs in Indianapolis for 10 years in exchange for up to $7 million in various incentives.

The highly publicized deal, which protected about 730 manufacturing jobs, abruptly reversed the plan Carrier announced in February 2016 to move its factory to Mexico and eliminate nearly 1,400 jobs.

The employees were really pro-Trump for about a minute.

“Trump came in there to the factory last December and blew smoke up our a—s,” Brenda Darlene Battle, a longtime Carrier employee, told The New Yorker. “He wasn’t gonna save those jobs.”

Try not to take it so hard. He didn’t just do it to you guys. The whole nation has smoky butts, now.


The post Carrier Plant Used for Trump Photo-Op Announces MORE Layoffs appeared first on RedState.


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