
EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of Gloria Allred’s Attack on Roy Moore Has Been Debunked – ARREST HER NOW!

- November 21, 2017

Last Monday far left attorney Gloria Allred held a press conference with Beverly Nelson in New York City.

Allred and Nelson accused Republican Roy Moore of attempted rape 38 years ago.

We now know that EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of their public accusation was a LIE.

Republican Judge Roy Moore released testimony Monday night that proves far left Attorney Gloria Allred, accuser Beverly Nelson and the national media were lying about the allegations against Judge Roy Moore.

The Moore campaign published a report on Monday that shows the accusers, Gloria Allred and Beverly Nelson, were not telling the truth on the accusations against Judge Moore.


Gloria Allred was lying and so was the national media.

From the report:

1.) The Olde Hickory House required employees to be at least 16.  Beverly Nelson claims she was 15 when she started.

2.) The restaurant’s dumpsters were on the side of the building and not in back as Nelson claimed.

3.) A former employee says the restaurant NEVER closed at 11 PM as Nelson claimed and at midnight on most nights.

4.) Customers at the counter were served by the bartender or cook and not by any waitress.

5.) The witnesses claim they have shared this information with several news outlets but they have refused to report the truth!

More… Rhonda Ledbetter, who worked at the restaurant at the time, hesitated to come forward but she said, “As a moral and ethical person,” she had to come forward.  Rhonda said she never remembered ANYONE coming into the restaurant in a suit and that Roy Moore NEVER came into the restaurant.

There are growing calls that Gloria Allred and Beverly Nelson should be charged with fraud.

And in case you missed it… The Gateway Pundit has previously posted on the several discrepancies with Beverly Nelson’s press conference.
Following The Gateway Pundit’s viral story on Judge Roy Moore’s alleged signature inside accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook, more evidence suggested it was a forgery. 

On Monday, CNN published photos of the signature showing two different inks.

The signature says “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say, ‘Merry Christmas.’ Love, Roy Moore DA, 12-22-77, Olde Hickory House.”

Strangely, “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say, ‘Merry Christmas.’ Love, Roy,” is written in black ink, while “Moore DA, 12-22-77, Olde Hickory House,” is in blue ink.

Photo credit: CNN

And then there’s this…
Judge Roy Moore was not the DA in 1978. He would not have signed a signature with DA after it.
Moore insists this is not his signature.

And… Nelson’s stepson says her attacks on Judge Moore are all a lie.

Every single detail of Allred’s accusations against Judge Roy Moore is a lie.

Allred is already under TWO INVESTIGATIONS for misconduct as an attorney.

Isn’t it about time to arrest and press charges Gloria Allred?

The post EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of Gloria Allred’s Attack on Roy Moore Has Been Debunked – ARREST HER NOW! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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