
LEADERSHIP! President Trump Holds Presser on Historic Tour of Asia – Since Corrupt Media Won’t Report the Truth

- November 15, 2017

US President Donald J. Trump delivered a speech on Wednesday from the White House following his historic 14-day tour of East Asia. This was another brilliant move by the populist president.

President Trump discussed his many successful meetings and successful business meetings with East Asian leaders from Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and The Philippines. Trump explained his new doctrine of fair trade for the United States and United States workers.

President Trump knew the corrupt mainstream media would not cover his successful tour so he went directly to the American people with the results of his tour.

The president described the billions dollar trade deals he set up with the Asian regimes from Japan to Vietnam. This was another brilliant move by the US president who understands the corruption of the US media and is everyday fighting for everyday Americans.

The media is already mocking President Trump for drinking water during his speech.

The post LEADERSHIP! President Trump Holds Presser on Historic Tour of Asia – Since Corrupt Media Won’t Report the Truth appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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