You’ve got to be kidding me.
The latest reporting, in regards to why a lunatic attacked Kentucky Senator Rand Paul last week is so unbelievably minute, I’d say the guy probably needs to be put on a 72-hour psych hold at a local hospital, just to be sure he doesn’t hurt anyone else, or himself.
Another neighbor has spoken up, saying that the two have been in a long-standing dispute over landscaping.
According to CNN:
A neighbor who did not want to be identified said the two have been “quibbling” over yard waste for years.
According to the neighbor, Paul and Boucher, who share a property line in a gated community, have a long-running dispute over grass clippings and leaves blown onto each others’ lawns.
The neighbor did not witness Boucher allegedly assaulting Paul on Friday, and therefore could not say definitely if this is what led to the attack.
Paul was apparently on his riding lawnmower and trimming up his lawn. He got off to clear something out of the way, supposedly, and was blindsided by Boucher.
There were words exchanged, the attack was reported and the Kentucky State Police arrested Boucher.
He bonded out of jail on Saturday, after posting a $7,500 bail. He’s been charged with a fourth-degree assault, with injury.
Meanwhile, Senator Paul has 5 fractured ribs, bruised lungs, and is in quite a bit of pain.
I’ve heard that some men are really finicky, when it comes to their lawns. This, however, is beyond the pale.
Other reports have suggested that Boucher, a registered Democrat, has long had a problem with the politics of Paul and his dad, Ron Paul.
Politics may not be the exact reason for the attack, but I’m willing to bet it added a bit of heat to the mix.
The post Rand Paul’s Neighbor Attacked Him for THIS? appeared first on RedState.