
Seriously? Politico Names “Conservative Media” and Limits Them To Pro-Trump Outlets

- November 09, 2017

When you think of conservative media, what comes to mind? Inevitably Fox News comes to mind. Apparently, if you’re a RedState reader, you’ll name this publication. National Review. The Weekly Standard. The Wall Street Journal (particularly the editorial page).

So why is it that a mainstream outlet such as Politico can get it so wrong?

People were joking on social media that Fox News gave little coverage to the Democratic wave in New York, New Jersey and Virginia on Tuesday night. It’s true. They ignored it. But Politico takes it to a new level by writing the following:

Major conservative media: What Virginia results?

The sub-heading says the following:

For Fox and other conservative outlets, the Democratic romps on Tuesday didn’t merit much attention.

Is Politico, right? Here is what they wrote:

On conservative websites, the election results did receive some coverage, but by midmorning Wednesday, most had moved on. Breitbart had covered the elections Tuesday night, but its lead story Wednesday morning was a reflection on Trump’s 2016 election, a year ago Wednesday. A link to Breitbart’s page on Tuesday’s elections was listed at the bottom of its news stack.

Further down the conservative spectrum, by midmorning Wednesday, The Gateway Pundit and InfoWars were all but ignoring the elections—the only stories related to them on the site focused on the notion that Gillespie’s mistake was not embracing Trump enough.

That’s it. 

It is where the list ends. Heck, they didn’t even mention The American Spectator and The Federalist, two conservative sites that have leaned pro-Trump since the election. RedState’s boss, Caleb Howe called out Politico on Twitter:

Do better, Politico. 


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