
Unreal: Women of SNL Give Al Franken a Pass

- November 21, 2017

The women of Saturday Night Live are giving Sen. Al Franken a pass on his blatant sexual harassment that came to light last week.

Sending support and gratitude to Al Franken rather than the woman there is photographic proof he humiliated, demeaned and sexually harassed? Unreal.

I can’t say it’s at all surprising that these women are answering the call to circle the wagons around Franken as calls for the former comedian have come from all sides that he out to step down.

This is a big indication of what many expected to happen is already occurring and Franken won’t face any consequences or be held accountable for his actions.

Of course, what happens with Franken will have a ripple effect if Roy Moore is elected to the Senate next month. Democrats and Republicans will both point fingers at the other side keeping/allowing sexual harassers and predators among their ranks.

Neither side will want to be the first to blink and we’ll have Sen. Al Franken and Roy Moore as respective heads of their party’s Creeper Club.

The post Unreal: Women of SNL Give Al Franken a Pass appeared first on RedState.


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