
Wikileaks Drops ‘Vault 8’: CIA Wrote Code To Impersonate Russian Anti-Virus Giant

- November 09, 2017

On Thursday, WikiLeaks released ‘Vault 8,’ a series of documents detailing how the CIA developed code to impersonate Russian anti-virus giant ‘Kaspersky Labs.’

RT reports:

WikiLeaks says it has published the source code for the CIA hacking tool ‘Hive,’ which indicates that the agency-operated malware could mask itself under fake certificates and impersonate public companies, namely Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab.

The CIA multi-platform hacking suite ‘Hive’ was able to impersonate existing entities to conceal suspicious traffic from the user being spied on, the source code of the malicious program indicates, WikiLeaks said on Thursday.

The extraction of information would therefore be misattributed to an impersonated company, and at least three examples in the code show that Hive is able to impersonate Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab, WikiLeaks stated.

The timing of the release by WikiLeaks is particularly noteworthy. Former DNC head Donna Brazile is currently promoting her book, alleging Russia hacked her party’s servers, stealing mass amounts of voter intel and internal communications.

In her new book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House,” Democrat operative Donna Brazile admits the DNC allowed alleged Russian hackers to steal data from the party’s servers.

Brazile claims the only way to have blocked Russian hackers from DNC servers was to rebuild them. This is impossible to do, as it would have impacted the party’s ability to ‘manage the primaries.’

Daily Caller reports:

In May, when CrowdStrike recommended that we take down our system and rebuild it, the DNC told them to wait a month, because the state primaries for the presidential election were still underway, and the party and the staff needed to be at their computers to manage these efforts,” Brazile wrote in her new book, “Hacks.”

“For a whole month, CrowdStrike watched Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear operating. Cozy Bear was the hacking force that had been in the DNC system for nearly a year.”

Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear are cybersecurity firms that have reported ties with Russian hackers. Both groups are blamed for the hacks on the DNC in 2016. CrowdStrike is a private U.S. cybersecurity firm that oversaw the protection of the DNC’s servers.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Donna Brazile says Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was unusually calm after the so called DNC hack occurred.

According to Brazile:

On June 14 Debbie invited the Democratic Party officers to a conference call to alert us that a story about hacking the DNC that would would be published in the Washington Post the following day. That call was the first time we’d heard that there was a problem. Debbie’s tone was so casual that I had not absorbed the details, nor even thought that it was much for us to be concerned about. Her manner indicated that this hacking thing was something she had covered. But had she?

Brazile reveals former top Obama official Susan Rice noted in relation to the ‘hack,’ that “It took a long time for the FBI to get any response from the party.”

In June, Wasserman Schultz claimed that neither the FBI nor any other government agency contacted her about the hacking of the DNC’s computer networks. The former DNC’s claim was rebuffed by former DHS head Jeh Johnson, who testified to the House Intelligence Committee that the FBI reached out to help the DNC, but opted to reply on a private cybersecurity company for assistance.

It begs the question…

Was Wasserman Schultz unusually calm about the situation because the ‘hack,’ was not actually a hack?

The post Wikileaks Drops ‘Vault 8’: CIA Wrote Code To Impersonate Russian Anti-Virus Giant appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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