
Adam Schiff Panics After House Republicans Launch Probe Into Russia Investigation Leakers

- Desember 20, 2017

All eyes are on ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) as House Republicans launch a probe into Russia investigation leakers.

Three House Republicans called for an inquiry into House Intelligence Committee Russia investigation leaks Monday. The Reps demanded members and staff responsible for violating rules be removed from the investigation.

Adam Schiff is panicking. He knows the walls are closing in on him. Schiff attempted to distract from the media firestorm by penning a piece about the non-existent Trump-Russia collusion in The Wall Street Journal hours after House Republicans announced the probe.

Adam Schiff wrote a piece in The Wall Street Journal just hours after three House Republicans launched their probe into House Committee leakers titled, “What We Know About the Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Russia.”

Excerpt from Schiff’s piece:

Congressional probes into Russia’s attack on the 2016 election have unearthed numerous undisclosed meetings between the Trump team and Russians with ties to Vladimir Putin, repeated Russian offers of assistance, the willingness by the campaign to accept Russian help, the provision of help by the Kremlin, and a conspiracy to undermine the penalties imposed on Russia as a result.

Notwithstanding this progress, or more likely because of it, President Trump and his allies have been pressing Speaker Paul Ryan to bring the House’s investigation to an end, an action that would preclude a comprehensive and bipartisan report to the American public on the full extent of Russia’s covert political influence operation.

Schiff then goes on to claim, “With the president continuing to claim that the investigations have produced no evidence of collusion, it is worth examining the public record after nine months of work. Reality diverges sharply from Mr. Trump’s vehement denials.”

Schiff then brings up former Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos, a man who admitted to speaking to Russians, however; was not charged for talking to Russians since it isn’t a crime. Papadopoulos was charged with making a false statement to the FBI. Funny how Schiff doesn’t realize this charge against Papadopoulos is proof collusion is not a crime.

Adam Schiff, the master of deceit then brought up Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, which again is not illegal and was most likely a plant by the Dems.

Schiff also accuses Wikileaks of receiving the hacked DNC emails from the Russians. Julian Assange has denied this many times, but Adam Schiff isn’t interested in the truth since he is a Democrat hack:

Days after the meeting in Trump Tower, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks announced receipt of the hacked DNC emails. The Russians also published stolen emails directly through their fictitious proxies, DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0. At the same time, the Russians ramped up a massive social-media campaign using an extensive network of fake personas and accounts to help the Trump campaign, vilify Mrs. Clinton and sow general discord.

As the Russians pushed out the stolen materials, Mr. Trump and his surrogates touted the hacked emails on a daily basis. Mr. Trump even publicly urged the Russians to further hack and disseminate his opponent’s emails.

What’s even more amusing is seeing Adam Schiff get eviscerated in the comments section of his own piece.

“With the president continuing to claim that the investigations have produced no evidence of collusion, it is worth examining the public record after nine months of work. Reality diverges sharply from Mr. Trump’s vehement denials,” Schiff tweeted.

Adam Schiff is totally melting down.

Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) came unhinged Friday after Mueller, Rosenstein and the team of corrupt hacks took a beating this week in a hearing.

Adam Schiff is in full panic mode and went on a tweetstorm Friday morning after Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer sent a letter to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence demanding an inquiry into leaks that took place during and after Don Jr.’s interview with the committee on December 6th, New York Mag reported.

The voluntary interview, which took over 8 hours was conducted under oath was to be kept strictly confidential and would not be discussed publicly unless the Committee voted on the release of the transcripts.

It is very obvious that someone is leaking parts of his interview to the press…Adam Schiff, all eyes are on you.

Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas also named Adam Schiff in his letter, recalling Rep Schiff went straight to the media to discuss certain details of the interview.

Watch Ed Henry explain how Adam Schiff was seen leaving the room multiple times as Donald Trump Jr testified before the House Intel Committee. Coincidentally, tidbits of information from Don Jr.’s testimony started popping up on CNN as it was happening!


Some of the reaction from Trump supporters on Twitter:

The post Adam Schiff Panics After House Republicans Launch Probe Into Russia Investigation Leakers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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