
AUDIO: Trump Cuts Robocall for Roy Moore – Blasts Ultra-Liberal

- Desember 10, 2017

President Donald Trump campaigned in Pensacola, Florida on Friday night to push his agenda and encourage Alabama Republicans to support of Republican Roy Moore on Tuesday.

Democrats are hoping to steal the senate seat after Gloria Allred marched out a questionable accuser with a tampered yearbook signature to smear Roy Moore.

President Trump cut a robocall this weekend in support of Roy Moore. Trump is hoping the Republican is elected to help push his agenda. Republican elites hope Moore is defeated and the Democrat wins.

Here’s the transcript:

Hi, this is President Donald Trump and I need Alabama to go vote for Roy Moore. It is so important. We’re already making America great again. I’m going to make America safer, and stronger, and better than ever before, but we need that seat and we need Roy voting for us. I’m stopping illegal immigration and crime, rebuilding a stronger military and protecting the second amendment and our pro-life values. But if Alabama elects liberal Democrat Doug Jones, all of our progress will be stopped cold. We already know Democrat Doug Jones is a puppet of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and he will vote with the Washington liberals every single time.

‘Democrat Jones is soft on crime, weak on immigration, supports abortion, he’s bad for our military and bad for our vets. We don’t want him, and he also, by the way, wants higher taxes. Roy Moore is the guy we need to pass our “Make America Great Again” agenda. Roy is a conservative who helped me steer this country back on track after eight years of the Obama disaster. Get out and vote for Roy Moore.’

The post AUDIO: Trump Cuts Robocall for Roy Moore – Blasts Ultra-Liberal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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