
Bottom Line: The Social Justice Community Attempted to Force Rape on the Porn Star Who then Killed Herself

- Desember 08, 2017

Whatever your stance is on pornography, or the people who work in the industry, we can all agree that being forced to have sex is a kind of wrong that people should be drawn and quartered for. We would normally call forced sex “rape,” yet that’s usually a term we give to an act committed by one to a handful of people.

In the case of porn star August Ames, it was an entire mob who attempted to force her into sex. She refused, and for it was vilified, ostracized, and bullied until she finally committed suicide.

Ames, 23, had publicly declined to shoot a sex scene with a man who had previously done gay porn.

This did not sit well with some who worked in the pron industry and the social justice community who labeled her as “homophobic,” and proceeded to dog her relentlessly with accusations, insults, and more.

Ames defended herself, saying the decision wasn’t due to any kind of homophobia (she noted she herself was bisexual), however the decision was made in order to protect her body from diseases. According to Ames, this is a common practice in the industry with many women.

The bullying and pressure continued until Ames committed suicide. According to Fox News, Ames hung herself by the neck.

Let’s break this down.

A porn star refused to have sex with a gay man for health reasons, being afraid that doing so may cause her to contract a disease…

This caused the same people who scream “no one should be able to tell a woman what to do with her body,” the same people who protest in the street about the lack of respect for women in today’s society, the same people who think women are forced into submission by societal standards — these people gathered in a mob and attempted to bully and force this woman into letting people she doesn’t want to have sex with, have sex with her.

This mob tried to force this woman into sex she didn’t want. This mob tried to force August Ames into rape.

You’ll probably hear many angles and takes on this story, but that is the brass tacks of the tale.

Social justice warriors truly are the scum of the Earth.

The post Bottom Line: The Social Justice Community Attempted to Force Rape on the Porn Star Who then Killed Herself appeared first on RedState.


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