
Merriam-Webster’s Word of 2017 is “Feminism,” the Very Thing that Failed Women Most of All This Year

- Desember 12, 2017

Merriam-Webster has declared 2017’s word to be “feminism” due to its increased usage over the past year, and all of the events the word was tied to. Indeed, the word has circulated through the English lexicon very heavily over the past few years, but it’s a word that exists oddly in our minds. To some, it’s the great savior of our times.

To many, it’s a villain that takes after the worst qualities of some of the world’s most notorious dictators.

Merriam-Webster’s definition for “feminism” is “theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes” and “organized activities on behalf of women’s rights and interests.”

Not many women would disagree with this definition, and say that when they call themselves “feminist,” this is what they mean. However, the word has been used less and less as a great equalizer, and more like a weapon used against many a group, from men, to pro-life advocates.

Take for instance the “women’s march,” meant to empower women. Women donned “pussy hats,” and marched through DC in a show of solidarity and togetherness. Attendees listened to speeches from celebrities like Madonna, Natalie Portman, and Ashley Judd.

But pulling back the curtain, you find that the march wasn’t really about women. It was about pushing political stances. Specifically for that of the left.

The event was put together by “feminists,” consisting of black lives matter members, as well as one Linda Sarsour, an anti-white racist whose best known for being a pro-Sharia activist who wishes genital mutilation on women she disagrees with. Women from a pro-life group attempted to join the walk, only to have their sings torn up and their persons spit on. Madonna expressed her wish to blow up the White House. Marchers recited chants like “hands too small, can’t build a wall,” and “it’s time to fight, nasty girls unite.”

And in the end, the women’s march accomplished…absolutely nothing. While the march is celebrated in the media, and by left-leaning people, it was largely mocked as an eye roll worthy event that looked more like a temper tantrum over Trump’s victory than an event to show off the power of women.

The reason for the women’s march was Hillary Clinton’s loss in the face of Donald Trump. Feminism was supposed to help usher Clinton into the White House, bringing about the reign of the first women in the United States in the Oval Office.

But it failed. Clinton lost, even with the odds in her favor, and according to some polls, feminism is somewhat to blame.

Feminism inspired commercials like the viral Bianco Shoe ad, which attempted to use feminism’s political talking points to seem more empowering in order to convince women to buy their shoes. However, all the ad did was reveal feminism’s sense of entitlement, self-victimization, childishness, and neediness. The ad was rejected by both men and women, and to this day holds a 24,000 thumbs downs to 490 thumbs up on YouTube. The top comment on the video is simply “no wonder why nobody takes feminism seriously.”

Feminism is often hailed as being the reason the #MeToo campaign found its traction, and that if it weren’t for feminism then these women would not be getting their justice. However, I’d like to point out that feminism has nothing to do with mutual disgust between men and women when it comes to sexual misconduct. Both men and women find rape, assault, and harassment abhorrent, and feeling that way does not require you adopt the title of feminism.

Feminism and the #MeToo movement are not synonymous. Feminism is merely a player, but so are conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, men’s rights activists, etc, etc.

In the end, feminism has largely failed to do what women in previous generations have already done. They closed the wage gap, secured the right to vote, and women in the west are free to have careers or be mothers, or both, or neither. Today, the mainstream form of feminism is anti-male, anti-right (as seen above), anti-feminine, anti-this, and anti-that. Its in-house currency is how good of a victim you can be, and it demands that you always be angry about something. Anything. It doesn’t matter how mundane a thing it seems. For feminists, whatever it is wrongs you somehow, and you need to be angry about it.

It’s not a welcoming movement, nor is it very attractive. Its why though women believe in equality of the sexes in large regard, only 18% identify as feminist.

In the grand scheme, modern feminism has had little effect on our society in positive ways, however the damage it has done through its pushed-by-the-mainstream propaganda is harm we’ll probably be feeling for generations to come.

Merriam-Webster’s word for 2017 is a word that will be celebrated as something strong and righteous, but in reality is a word synonymous with failure, hatred, and uselessness.

The post Merriam-Webster’s Word of 2017 is “Feminism,” the Very Thing that Failed Women Most of All This Year appeared first on RedState.


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