While Cenk Uygur panders to the progressive movement, many of his loyal viewers are unaware that the Young Turks host has an extremely dark past built on sexism, racism and disdain for rape victims. For this reason, the Gateway Pundit has created a guide to some of the more disturbing and hypocritical views held by the liberal darling.
In March, co-host Ana Kasparian let it slip that she had experienced sexism when she first began working for the Young Turks — claiming that she was passed over for hosting the first hour because of her gender.
During the segment, Uygur and Kasparian were discussing Liz Wheeler, the host of One America News’ Tipping Point, regarding her comments about feminism and the women who marched on International Women’s Day.
“I used to think feminists were unbearable. Like: feminism…who the fuck needs feminism? Ugh, they just play victim. And you know I’m gonna work hard and I’m gonna get what I want through working hard,” Kasparian begins. “Then I started working and I’m like oh….holy shit, there’s a lot of sexism. And not necessarily in this company… Although, you know… no I’m gonna keep it real. Look, TYT has come a super long way since I started working here. But there were issues — there were issues in the beginning. Okay, like John [Idarolla] hosting the first hour before I hosted the first hour, and then why was that? Like that was some bullshit, right?”
In another clip uploaded to YouTube by a second party in August, Uygur tells female anti-feminism activist Karen Straughan to go make him a sandwich.
“Karen, give me a thank you. Everything is going great, but you’re not being reasonable, you’re being ridiculous — give me a thank you. Give me a thank you for feminists for giving you the right to vote — otherwise stop voting and go make me a ham sandwich,” Uygur demands.
In a 2002 archive of Uygur’s website for his radio show, the progressive personality wrote that “obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.”
He added that “I hook up a decent amount (defined as: at least make out with a new girl every six to eight weeks and have sex with a steady girl at least once a week), but it seems like there is a sea of tits here, and I am drinking in tiny droplets. I want to dive into the whole god damn ocean.”
“In other places in the US, when I tell girls that I quit law to become a talk show host, they get excited, because it indicates I might actually be an interesting person that has done something unusual, and hence cool, thing with his life,” Uygur wrote. “In Miami, it is seen as a clear decrease in earning potential, and is heavily frowned upon. I have never seen girls get so turned off as when I tell a Miami girl I no longer practice law. This reaction is sickening, in its depraved, whorish blatantness.”
In 2001, Uygur authored a piece titled “Girls who you hate, but really want to do” about Calista Flockhart’s character Ally McBeal. In it, he describes how “there’s something about a girl you can’t stand. I liked her before I hated her, but now that I hate her, I like her twice as much.”
“Unfortunately, since I’ve written this article, Ms. McBeal has lost another 35 pounds, leaving her weighing 17 lbs. I am sad to report that due to this development my attraction to her has waned considerably. Leaving behind only my annoyance,” Uygur wrote, body-shaming the actress.
Uygur doesn’t only dislike women who are too thin — he also hates fat women. In the show’s former theme song, according to an archive of his website from 2004, Uygur boasts of rating women on a five-tier scale.
“Tier one is a do or date, tier two, just do. Tier three in a social vacuum, Tier four, fat chance. Tier five, well I guess your kind of ugly and you look a little chubby and I wouldn’t let touch me if you were the last person on earth,” the lyrics state.
Likewise, Uygur’s “rules of dating” reads like something you would expect to see published by a pickup artist that the progressive hero would no doubt would claim to hold a moral high ground over.
“There are some hard and fast rules of dating. Women, ignore these at your peril,” the TYT wrote on the website in 2002.
His “rules” include that “there must be some serious making out by the third date,” and if not by the fourth “you’re done.” Additionally, “there must be orgasm by the fifth date,” if not “there will be no sixth date to give you a second chance.”
“I’m not telling girls to be sluts, but there are bounds of reason. And I have no intention of going out with someone in the long run, without a reasonable amount of sex — and these rules set the reasonable bounds. Ignore them at your peril,” the progressive wrote.
His lack of respect for women is showcased even further in a post about what he would do if he was going to commit suicide.
“I’d buy the best sex money could buy – which I’m sure would be damn good. Two girls at once, Asians, blacks, a Venezuelan on top of a Texan prom queen, a secretary on top of a baby-sitter, twins … and their mama. I’d dress ‘em up; I’d dress ‘em down. I’d do things to women I hadn’t even imagined before (though I can’t imagine what that would be),” Uygur wrote.
Sexual Harassment
In a webarchive of the Young Turk website for his show on Sirius Satellite Radio in 2002, Uygur wrote that “since this site is now an arm of The Young Turk Show on the radio it will soon showcase such lovely features as pictures of the young virginal interns who work with us on the show. That will certainly be a quantum step up from the picture displayed presently on the homepage.”
A video of the show uploaded to a secondary channel in 2012 further reveals Uygur’s double-standard on sexual harassment.
In the footage, Uygur becomes visibly giddy and gives the camera thumbs-up when Kasparian states that “TYT lives in a bubble” because they talk about sex constantly and “look at porn for research.”
“Let’s say you and I are in the office talking about Olympic divers and you’re like ‘woaahhh look at that package — I’d like to dive into that,’ I would be like so what. If one of the guys comes by and says ‘I feel really uncomfortable about that,’ I would be like ‘dude, man up,’” Uygur states. “How ripe for a lawsuit am I?”
Kasparian then asks if he would hold the same position if the comments were about the male co-worker’s appearance, saying “is a guy considered weak if he complains about that to you?” In response, Uygur gave an exaggerated head nod in the affirmative.
In 2016, the men’s soccer team at Harvard was suspended over a “scouting report” which rated the attractiveness of members of the female team and listed potential sexual positions for each player.
“She seems relatively simple and probably inexperienced sexually, so I decided missionary would be her preferred position,” one example from the dossier read. The women listed in the public document went on to pen an op-ed for their student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, describing their “embarrassment, disgust, and pain we feel as a result” of the report by their male peers.
Uygur, who now supports the #MeToo movement, sided with the male players at the time.
“Young college guys rating the appearance of young college women — shocking breaking news alert,” Uygur sad mockingly. “Totally not guilty in my opinion.”
Kasparian, visibly upset, pushed back against her employer and compared the dossier to the “grab her by the pussy” comments by President Donald Trump — which the host has long rallied against. Trump was also speaking of consensual encounters, yet Uygur demands that this is somehow different.
“That’s different,” he says. “The soccer team didn’t sexually assault anybody.”
Kasparian kept pushing, growing more upset with his excusal of the players — demanding to know if his attitude would be the same if men at TYT had written something similar about her. Uygur continued to claim that it is different since the men just go to the same school and do not work together.
“He meant to make a joke amongst his friends — this is actual locker room talk,” Uygur hypocritically states after a year of attacking Trump for the same. “They’re just kids.”
Uygur’s opinion on this issue may have been colored by the fact that he has a history of rating women’s appearances himself.
In another archive from his former Young Turk website where he was pitching himself as a television personality, he wrote that “I started telling people how I pick up chicks (or how I don’t), and how I rate women when I first see them (it’s a five tier system based purely on how hot they are), and what I think of current events and all the other crazy things going on in the world. Then, I became a phenomenon. I became the Turk.”
Furthering the hypocrisy of him railing about Trump’s comments on how women will often be inclined to sleep with men who are celebrities and his support of the #MeToo movement, an archive of his website revealed the TYT host admitting to “tricking” women into sleeping with him because he works in television.
Discussing Air Force Capt. Joseph Belli pleading guilty to fraternization and other charges that stem from an affair with an enlisted woman in 2002, Uygur wrote that “yeah, he used his position of power – don’t we all, in some way. I tell girls all the time about my cool job at a TV station in hopes that will trick them into sleeping with me.”
In a July 21, 2001, post about lawyers for 34 Native American tribes filing a lawsuit against tobacco companies for deliberately targeting Indian teens, Uygur wrote that “these Redskins show up everywhere there’s a buck to be made these days (by the way, I actually think Redskin is a rare ethnic term that actually is offensive, I’m only using it now because they’ve made me angry).”
“Now, you’re going to try to convince me that these Indian kids would not have smoked if it weren’t for the big bad tobacco corporations. Bullshit. They saw the peace pipe buried up your ass long before they ever saw a cigarette ad,” he wrote.
In his post about suicide which we also discussed in the sexism section, Uygur also discusses how women who are suicidal, but overweight, should go seek out Egyptian men to get laid before they die.
“I have three words for you – gigolo and Egyptian men. It’s much harder to find a male prostitute than a female, but believe me they’re out there. And for the right amount of cash (from your friendly credit card company of course), you’ll find one that’s gorgeous,” Uygur wrote. “But let’s say, you’re insistent on not paying for it – then go to Egypt. I have heard stories of dozens of men chasing after the nastiest things in creation there – fat, ugly, mutant-like — they don’t give a damn. You’ll think you’re goddamn Cleopatra by the time they get through with you.”
He doesn’t stop there, for the overweight or unattractive men — he urges you to seek Japanese women who he believes will sleep with American men for a new purse.
“I hear the same is true in Japan for American men. Every American is John Wayne to a Japanese girl who needs a new purse, a grammar lesson in English and a decent sized penis for a change,” Uygur wrote.
Uygur even acknowledges that he is making “grossly libelous (and probably untrue) ethnic generalizations,” yet still felt it was worthy of publishing online.
In a post about a road trip he had went on with Uygur, published on the Young Turk website, former Democratic congressional candidate and co-founder of the Young Turks Dave Koller wrote that in Memphis “the main post office is in the black part of town, and this was one motherfucking cool part of town. I mean these negros were the real deal. I’m not saying the town was a horrible ghetto. It was, but we’ve all seen worse. I mean these po’ black people just hanging out in the heat – this you don’t see quite like this in the northeast.”
He also wrote that later the same day, “we went to the Civil Rights Museum, which was made in the motel where MLK was assassinated. As soon as we got out of the car I launched a bottle rocket in the parking lot. “
On Prostitution and Human Trafficking
In the diary-style post on the Young Turk website about an eight day long road trip with Uygur in 2005, Koller wrote about meeting three young teenage girls in a small Pennsylvania and referred to them as “whores in training” and “little spoiled brat bitch young American girls on their way to becoming abused porn actresses or dispensable property in a New York City prostitution ring.”
“In one small Pennsylvania town we stopped for gas, and while Cenk filled up I went to talk to these three girls who were walking down the road nearby. Turns out they were three teenage girls, whores in training, literally looking for boys to pick them up,” he wrote. “Cenk soon joined me and we discovered these three little spoiled brat bitch young American girls on their way to becoming abused porn actresses or dispensable property in a New York City prostitution ring. The girls live in a small town nearby, and were in this town visiting the grandma of one of them. They were around 14-16 and in a few more years will be pretty damn good looking, but not great.”
The post continued, “I asked (I think before Cenk came) if these girls had ever had sex. By their reactions, I was pretty sure two of them did, and the youngest of the three maybe not. These girls were nothing but trouble waiting to happen. American parents in the big city dream of raising kids in the safe tranquility of small town America, but these places are just as treacherous because there is nothing to do but get drunk and have irresponsible sex at a young age.”
During the same road trip, the post describes going to a massage parlor that they believed to be a brothel, but leaving because the prices were too high.
“Except we missed a turn that we needed, so we had to go back onto a commercial road, and at the first place of business we saw with an Asian name, Cenk turned in, assuming it was a restaurant. Except it wasn’t – it was the other type of Asian establishment, and I don’t mean dry cleaners. I mean massage parlor. We couldn’t believe it. Of course we went in. We didn’t see the girls, and the price was high and we didn’t have time so we didn’t patronize, but I did squeeze the Madam’s ass on our way out,” he wrote.
He also detailed hitting on teenagers with Uygur during the trip, in the presence of their parents.
“Drive through Navajo country to Monument Valley, where the John Wayne films were shot. Cool fucking place. We hit on these two cute French teenagers while their parents were standing right next to them,” he added.
In an old clip uploaded to YouTube by a second party in 2010, Uygur describes how he believes women should be able to molest and rape men with complete impunity.
While discussing a story in which a man was drugged and anally raped by his ex girlfriend, Uygur declared that he “loves this story” and that the arrested woman should be exonerated since the man had slept with her in the past.
“Ok, here’s the parts that I like, she did something to his ass…she might have put a pinky in his ass. One, I’m super amused by this, two now let’s show you who that is so you get a better sense; this is her mug shot,” Uygur stated. He also asserts that the rapist simply “overstepped her bounds by a little bit” but that police should “let her go.”
Uygur also asserts that the rape victim should “man up” after being drugged and assaulted and “live with it.”
In another clip from 2014, which was deleted after we went to publish this report, Uygur discussed a 29-year-old teacher caught having sex with her 15 year old student and says her behavior should be excused because she is “hot.”
“I’m going to get in trouble here,” Uygur says while he admits to having a double standard. “I denounce and reject myself for all of that, but she looks so young. She looks 24 at most in all her pictures.”
The host adds that “back in the day” a 15-year-old would be considered an adult.
Uygur also shockingly states that if the student was his son or daughter and the teacher was attractive, he would not want them to go to jail. “At 16 you’re perfectly capable,” he says. He adds that his “internal rule” is that 16 year olds are adults.
“If you want that type of policy you need to extend it to males too,” an angry Kasparian demands in response to his double standard. “You can’t do it.”
It gets worse.
In another clip where he is discussing a teacher who was charged with rape for having sex with a 13-year-old student in 2009, Uygur asserted that he would need to see if the teacher was hot before he could decide if he agreed with the charges or not.
“The cop’s not bad either, how you doing Nadine? I’ve been a bad boy,” Uygur creepily states as the news footage discussing the case rolls on.
Uygur states that the teacher is “totally hot” and that it is “relevant.” He added “he’s so young… but she’s so hot.”
“For 99% of human history, if a woman of that attractiveness came to a 13-year-old boy who had gone past puberty and offered sexual relations to him — that would have been considered what they called back in the day FTW — for the win,” Uygur says. “But now, in this 1% of history we view that as horrific — and I get why, and I get that it’s illegal and that 13 is too young in the context of our times — but do you see how I’m torn a little bit on that?” Uygur asks Kasparian.
Uygur seems to have somewhat of an obsession with young people having sex with people much older than themselves.
In a 2002 post titled, “Random Sexual Thoughts,” Uygur wrote that “I get really turned on by the thought of an older woman and a younger woman hooking up. The thought of the older woman seducing the young girl is a great thought.”
“I just wish women would realize how cool bisexuality is (for women!) for the sake of us all,” he added.
As we have previously reported, former Young Turks reporter Jordan Chariton is currently suing the Huffington Post over published rape allegations which he claims are a hoax. Despite being presented with a mountain of evidence in Chariton’s favor, the star reporter was unceremoniously fired with no attempt to clear his name. Perhaps Uygur was afraid that some of these skeletons from his own past would be brought to the surface during the scandal.
The post MUST READ: Young Turks Host Cenk Uygur’s Disturbing Sexist, Racist and Pro-Rape Past appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.