
REPORT: Strzok-Page “Insurance Policy” Text Was Reference to Russian Collusion Witch Hunt

- Desember 19, 2017

As previously reportedFox News published a portion of the approximately 10,000 texts messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page. Among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and Page discussed an ‘insurance policy,’ against a Trump presidency.

The kicker? Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe may have not only been privy to the conversation, but a part of it.

The discussion took place in his office.

The Wall Street Journal is now reporting the “insurance policy”text was a reference to the Russia investigation.

Fox News’ Brett Bair tweeted, “Text-from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page (Andy is Andrew McCabe): “I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy’s office-that there’s no way he gets elected-but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.It’s like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you’re 40.”

The dots are connecting. Top FBI brass were working with Hillary Clinton to make sure she was exonerated from her criminal investigation while simultaneously building a case against Donald Trump.

Comey, Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe made sure Hillary Clinton’s FBI investigation went smoothly as it was given ‘special status. McCabe also didn’t recuse himself from Hillary’s investigation until one week before the presidential election despite massive conflicts of interest.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

An FBI agent’s reference to “an insurance policy” in a much-debated text message was meant to convey that the bureau needed to aggressively investigate allegations of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, according to people familiar with his account.

The text came after a meeting involving Ms. Page, Mr. Strzok and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to people close to the pair and familiar with their version of events. At the meeting, Ms. Page suggested they could take their time investigating the alleged collusion because Mrs. Clinton was likely to win, the people said.

If they move more deliberately, she argued, they could reduce the risk of burning sensitive sources.

Mr. Strzok felt otherwise, according to these people.

His text was meant to convey his belief that the investigation couldn’t afford to take a more measured approach because Mr. Trump could very well win the election, they said. It would be better to be aggressive and gather evidence quickly, he believed, because some of Mr. Trump’s associates could land administration jobs and it was important to know if they had colluded with Russia.

Although the sources didn’t reveal if the dossier prompted the whole idea of Russian collusion in the first place it is becoming increasingly clear everything hinges on the salacious document.

The FBI and DOJ have been corrupted by Deep State criminals.

Last week in a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee Deputy AG Rosenstein admitted to Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) whether he knew if the FBI paid for the garbage dossier, yet he smugly refused to answer the question.

First, Ron DeSantis asked Rosenstein, “The Russia investigation. Who started it? Who was the agent? Was it Strzok who started it? Who opened the case?”

Rosenstein fidgeted as he said, “That matter is under review by the Intelligence Committee and there is nothing that I can talk about publicly regarding the initiation of the investigation.”

Then DeSantis point blank asked rotten Rosenstein if the FBI paid for Hillary’s garbage dossier.

“I’m not in position to answer that question,” Rosenstein answered.

“Do you know the answer to the question?” DeSantis asked.

“I believe I know the answer but uh the Intelligence Committee is the appropriate committee-” Rosenstein smugly said.

No wonder why Rosenstein refused to answer the question. Fish rot from the head down; top FBI brass are guilty.

Also, Fox Business Network reported Monday afternoon that demoted Justice Department official Bruce Ohr unexpectedly ditched his hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

These corrupt Deep State criminals love to talk and act tough until they are exposed for who they really are. Now they’re ditching hearings and running scared.

The post REPORT: Strzok-Page “Insurance Policy” Text Was Reference to Russian Collusion Witch Hunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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