So actor Mark Hamill really has no career, outside of “Star Wars” and he’s apparently using the issue of net neutrality to promote the latest film in the franchise.
Fortunately for Hamill, he’s got Senator Ted Cruz to banter the issue back and forth with, so it doesn’t come across as an “old man shouts at cloud” issue over the internet.
Hamill was just one of a chorus of voices from the left that tore at their breasts and cried, “ANARCHY!” after the Federal Communication Commission voted 3-2 to on Thursday to repeal the Obama-era net neutrality rules.
I actually hope you can still read this, since rolling back those rules an entire 2 years was supposed to cause the internet to be sucked into a vast wormhole, never to be seen again, or something.
Hamill began his attack on Saturday, by going after FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, for using a [toy] lightsaber in a video defending the vote.
Cute video Ajit "Aren't I Precious?" Pai 🤮-but you are profoundly unworthy 2 wield a lightsaber-A Jedi acts selflessly for the common man-NOT lie 2 enrich giant corporations. Btw-did you pay John Williams his royalty? @AjitPaiFCCorpShill #AJediYouAreNOT
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 16, 2017
Hey, guy – Jedis are not real. Neither are lightsabers. They’re toys.
On Sunday, Hamill was still raging, and went after Senator Ted Cruz, after Cruz pointed a few details out in his attack on Pai.
.@HammillHimself Luke, I know Hollywood can be confusing, but it was Vader who supported govt power over everything said & done on the Internet. That's why giant corps (Google, Facebook, Netflix) supported the FCC power grab of net neutrality. Reject the dark side: Free the net!
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 17, 2017
Cruz sounds like he knows his “Star Wars” characters.
Thanks for smarm-spaining it to me @tedcruz I know politics can be confusing, but you'd have more credibility if you spelled my name correctly. I mean IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU! Maybe you're just distracted from watching porn at the office again❤️-mh
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 17, 2017
Hamill really has no sense of humor. And honestly, a quick scan of his Twitter page suggests he’s getting his information from the liberal echo chamber.
Yes, that's it. So sorry to misspell your name. Respond not with facts, but with anger. Who was it that said, "Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate"? (1/2)
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 17, 2017
(2/2) Rather than insults, try civil discussion of facts. Fact 1: until 2015, the FCC had NO authority over Internet. The Net grew free & unregulated. Fact 2: W/ "net neutrality" the FCC declared power to regulate everything said & done on Internet. That's really bad for freedom.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 17, 2017
But that’s logic, Senator, and liberals tend to only trust the chains of government.
I guess we’ll have to endure a couple of years of people like Hamill sending out frantic messages of the impending doom of society before they either give up or we learn to tune them out.
In the meantime, keep educating the unschooled masses, Senator Cruz.
Or just use a Jedi mind trick. Whatever works best.
The post Senator Ted Cruz Channels His Inner Yoda to School Mark Hamill on Net Neutrality appeared first on RedState.